The Sword: How Taylor Hale Won Big Brother 24

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Taylor Hale, the most recent winner of Big Brother, is the topic of today. Taylor's winning game is overall a bit misunderstood, and I don't think everyone realizes all of the small intricacies that Taylor had to implement in order to earn the crown. Many say Monte deserved the win, but today, I'm hopeful to change your mind. This is the story of how Taylor Hale won Big Brother 24.

Definitely need to shoutout @TaranArmstrong as without his daily live feed updates and deep dive on Taylor's game, this video would have been much more difficult to create, so thank you Taran.

I don't own the clips, all rights go to CBS or Viacom or whoever they belong to, just don't copyright me please.

00:00 Anyone can win... right?
01:24 Movie Palette
02:49 Week 1 - Final 16
08:35 Week 2 - Final 15
14:24 Week 3 - Final 14
23:09 Week 4 - Final 13
26:24 Week 5 - Final 12
29:02 Pre-Jury Recap
30:27 Week 6 - Final 11
36:50 Split Week - Final 10 and 9
41:23 Final 8
44:59 Final 7
50:18 Final 6 - Double Eviction
52:29 Final 5
58:14 Final 4
59:57 Final 3
1:04:26 Final 2
1:07:06 Winner
1:08:05 Game Recap
1:11:54 The Rating out of 10
1:14:59 Ending
1:16:40 Taylor's True Love
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After lots of reconsideration (and a little nudge from a specific viewer) I have decided to change Taylor’s score to a clean 8.

No further questions 🙂


having an alliance called girls girl and ostracizing a girl at the same time is such a crazy thought 😭😭😭


The real irony is right at the start they block Taylor out bc they view her as a typical bully, when in reality the whole house was bullying her


the “girl’s girl” alliance is the exact reason why I hate that term, women who use it are never truly a “girl’s girl” in the way that they think they are 😂


daniel telling taylor to ‘apologize’ in the first week, when she’s not even the one antagonizing everyone was purely racist idc


I can't believe Monte thought that he could give better final 2 answers than the woman who literally WON MISS CONGENIALITY.


The misogyny Paloma showed when she was talking about Taylor is actually fucking insane


Crazy how they wanted her to be a “girl’s girl” but a true girl’s girl would not judge a girl for hanging out with guys. A girl’s girl supports other women and does not shame, much less assume a girl is using her looks to woo men…. The girls in the first week were so frustrating


it was racism. she wasn't acting in ANY type of way that first week. And to go out and say "ive heard you've been rubbing people the wrong way" I would have LOST IT. she's better than me.


I don’t see how people say she didn’t deserve that win when she had to fight daily just to stay in house. Her social game was insanely great!


Seeing them cry over Paloma quitting after like 1 week of knowing her is so ridiculous, lmao.


She is so stunning it’s obvious everyone was intimidated by her beauty and charisma. They saw her and She seemed so perfect that she had to be horrid.


Paloma tried to force the jezebel stereotype on Taylor


You can see Taylor's pageant side come out during her goodbye messages and her speech at the finale. This is not a criticism btw. As a pageant girl it makes sense that she's had training in eloquence since they have to answer questions during pageants to appeal to a jury. She didn't overlook that side of the competition and used her skills very well !


Honestly, hated the way Paloma, Nicole and Daniel treated Taylor. The 3 of them seemed like they would have been bullies in high school. Really unlikable individuals. IMO.


Taylor literally just walked in and everyone was like “let’s make this Taylor’s season”


It’s funny how the girls thought that Taylor was for the guys then they were a bitch to her so she went to the guys anyway 💀


The sheer ego and arrogance (and probably a little sexism) of Monte and Turner in underestimating Taylor in the finale to the point of Monte eliminating Turner thinking he'd be the biggest jury competition and Turner voting for Monte because he thought everyone else was going to is HILARIOUS to me. I am sure they were both absolutely baffled.


I feel like we shouldn’t be scared to point out the fact that a lot of the hate taylor faced was 100% colorism/racism. She’s a dark skinned women and they labeled her as “explosive” Daniel straight up said he could tell “what kind of person she was” as soon as he saw her. It was very clear


I love how Taylor proves that being kind to people despite them treating you horribly, forgiving those that wrong you, and showing love to others can still win the game. No lying, backstabbing, or hurting others, just kindness.
