The World Over October 24, 2024 | SYNOD CENTRAL UPDATE: The Papal Posse with Raymond Arroyo

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Fr. Gerald Murray and Robert Royal, the Papal Posse, react to developments in the final week of the "Synod on Synodality", the renewal of the China-Vatican pact and more.

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Thank you Fr. Murray, Robert Royal, and Raymond Arroyo! I have been watching The World Over ever since I had EWTN for 2 hours each Saturday night many years ago. Thank you for keeping us updated.


Perhaps it would have been better if those in the quasi-Synod of Bishops spent time discussing how to remove homosexuals from the clergy and, going forward, only ordain masculine men who love Almighty God and Our Lady and desire the salvation of souls.


“The fruit may come in later…. “ The “fruits” are crawling everywhere! And ahem, they seem to be drawing flies


For 2, 000 yrs the Catholic Church has existed without accepting or discussing the blessing of same sex marriage and today, in 2024, this issue has taken a priority along with women deaconess. May God’s mercy help us.


Great analysis. Agree that the participation of bishops by Communist China sets a dangerous precedence. Cardinal Zen is correct in pointing out the moral confusion of Fiducia of Supplicans that would need to be rectified during the Synod to avoid further confusion and restore our Church's teachings on the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman for life. Our Blessed Mother intervened to lead me out of hopelessness at the darkest moment of my life to strengthen my faith and save my marriage 17 years ago on a pilgrimage. I am forever grateful to her having broken the bondage of promiscuity. I have grown to have increasing love for Jesus in the Eucharist and our Blessed Mother. I can relate to the saying of Blessed Carlo Acutis, "The Eucharist is a highway to Heaven."


Saying one thing, doing another: Marko Rupnik, now this guy...mercy for the victims. Mercy and truth.


It does make many Catholics nervous, but there hasve always been attacks against the church even from within- beginning with Judas the betrayer. I will continue to pray and have faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ even if one day, we may have to go underground as the earlier Christians did and even many Christians do today.🙏⛪️✝️ As Fr. Goring says, Viva Cristo Rey.


This Synod creates confusion, follows circular arguments of the secular world and goes against the Lord's Apostolic Church. May the Holy Spirit remove the worldly influence on the Church.


To maintain a positive attitude of deception not discussion


Have you ever noticed how in the scriptures men are always going up into the mountains to commune with the Lord?

Yet in the scriptures we hardly ever
hear of women going to the mountains.
But we know why — right?

Because the women were too busy
keeping life going;
they couldn’t abandon babies,
and a thousand responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains!

I was talking to a friend the other day,
saying that as modern woman
I feel like I’m never “free” enough
from my responsibilities,
never in a quiet enough space
I want with God.

Her response floored me,
“That is why God comes to women.
Men have to climb the mountain to meet God, but God comes to women where ever they are.”

I have been pondering on her words for weeks and have searched my scriptures
to see that what she said is true.
God does in deed come to women
where they are,
when they are doing their ordinary,
everyday work.

He meets them at the wells
where they draw water for their families,
in their homes,
in their kitchens,
in their gardens.

He comes to them
as they sit beside sickbeds,
as they give birth,
care for the elderly,
and perform necessary mourning and burial rites.

Even at the empty tomb,
Mary was the first to witness Christ’s resurrection,
She was there because she was doing the womanly chore of properly preparing Christ’s body for burial.

In these seemingly mundane
and ordinary tasks,
these women of the scriptures found themselves face to face with divinity.

So if — like me — you ever start to bemoan the fact that you don’t have as much time to spend in the mountains with God as you would like. Remember, God comes to women. He knows where we are and the burdens we carry. He sees us, and if we open our eyes and our hearts we will see Him, even in the most ordinary places and in the most ordinary things.

He lives. And he’s using a time such as this to speak to women around the world.


“It’s a danger and we have to keep an eye on it…” And when will SOMEBODY DO something about it?


Thank you guys!
Have a wonderful life.
May the Love, Peace, etc., of the Holy Spirit descend from Heaven upon us all.
Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love forever.❤❤❤
"He is Risen".❤❤❤
Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord God Almighty eternally. ❤


Let joy be unconfined. The wonderful, exciting era of synodality and the wide transparency and openess to the listening Church from the lowest to the highest, from those in villages and towns to the Curia cardinals in the Vatican, we now have a final draft up for discussion BUT no way will anyone outside the synod be allowed to see it. No way, no way Jose will the 1.4 billion faithful Catholics be allowed to peruse the document or hear from any member of what they think. Oh, And of course the Vatican- China agreement/ pact has been renewed and this deal has never been seen by anyone outside of a few in the Vatican. Not evev the College of Cardinals has seen this deal with China. The 4000 bishops, successors of the Apostles have not even seen this document. It shows just how transparent the new era of synodality under this pontiff is so wide open and available for all. So, there we are. Cardinal Zen has not seen the document as well. But now we have the era of total secrecy, the secrecy and silence of synodality. What must the 12 apostles think of this Church now??? Secrecy and cover up and total non-transparency. My eyes are on the coming conclave whenever that will be held. We all await the white smoke of transparency.


God see’s everything. There is no where to hide. God have Mercy.
Holy God, Holy mighty one, Holy Immortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world.


Sounds like a typical political process. Not a spiritual leadership discussion that will reinforce the Truth our Lord. HIS way. This is all so sad. Lord please bring us home by way of your Truth. We need a shepherd.

The role of women is clearly defined. Those who are looking outside their ministry are confused and need to be told this. As a woman I am sad for these women who are not happy with our role.


“Ending up in a mess” Hello! The Church has been a mess since 1970!


Dialog about the universal Church closed to everyone except those preselected. Hmmm.


The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus invites every sinner to conversion. Especially the homosexual, LGBTQ and pride movements.

Do you agree?


If my modelling is. any good, and its a big the tuning of the vocal folds of the latest Doc. drop from PF is 2 this aim...the acoustic resonator.
SYNOD with its Voice, ....has spooky similarities 2 the Beast that Speaks....and wears out the saints...


When will we c the last of this current hierarchy Ho Hum 😊
