Too Skeptical or Critical of Your Magick? WATCH THIS (For Witches, Psychics, Occultists)

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This video is for occultists, witches, and psychics who may be hypercritical or overly analytical to the point where it is negatively impacting your ability to tap into your magick. #witchcraft #occult #esoteric

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How to remove limitations and decondition your mind:

How to think critically in the spiritual community:
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This video couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve had to restart whole spells because of rationalizing myself out of it!


I learned a trick from someone else about "dismissing the inner critic" and that is truly what helps make it much easier for me to be authentic and present. Before I begin almost anything I will shake the hand of my inner critic, thank them for their insight and desire to keep me "sane", then I step to the side and walk by them, waving goodbye. I've dismissed them for the duration because I want and intend to suspend my disbelief and give my non-logical side its opportunity to be expressive and receptive, too. Just as I wouldn't want scorned for wanting to lean into my spirituality I cannot scorn the critic, they're merely asked to sit and relax for a while. If I get a thought that pops up I know is from them I turn my head and say "this door is locked". You're spot on about needing to build a positive feedback loop, that's what was missing in the beginning for me too and apparently my good loops happen if someone's not hanging over my shoulder, haha.


NO WAY. This is exactly what I've been struggling with! I can't bring myself to do energy work or spirit work, because every time I try, there's always an annoying voice in my head saying it's all make believe and anything that I end up seeing or sensing is just gonna be wishful thinking. I am thankful for my skeptical side because it helped me decosntruct harmful beliefs and all, but now it's getting in the way 😢 thank you SO MUCH for talking about this!


I’m a witch and I work with spirits. Ironically, because I’m naturally skeptical and I don’t have a good imagination, I know there’s no way I could making this up.


I think those who say it's not real just haven't truly experienced awesome results. They probably rush into it, expecting and wanting fast results. They need to accept the facts that the powers that be, must have time to create the corresponding life situations to make the results happen. Trust and patience are key!!! Don't give up!


Banishing limiting beliefs has been a real vibe so far this month for me in all aspects of my life so this video is coming at a great time for me thank you 🙏 especially as I’m just starting the work of implanting & reinforcing the new positive beliefs to fill the gap left by stuff I’ve cleared out ♥️


Ok so i just watched your video 2 hours ago and then did a little spell for landing a job. Just now my agent called me and told me that I am booked! 😅 yes it was already quite likely that I would get the job BUT not 100%. So this was quite a magical experience and just reaffirmed everything you said in the video. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and this information ❤


I have recently been gaining true faith in myself and in the Universe and this has come w much healing and much seeking and contemplation and prayer and study and more you work on these things the more "tuned in" you eventually, and usually bit by bit (although it is different for everyone) develop these lack of faith and my skepticism came from lack of understanding and knowledge and am grateful to finally reach this. Thank you for your videos they are always so good!


I work with energy.
But I’m so critical of myself and judge my own abilities.

I think I found you exactly when I needed you.


Thank you for your continuously thoughtful, detailed, and fascinating videos on occultism.

I’m in somewhat of a ‘skeptical magick’ era of my practice, having been on a journey of de-conditioning myself from my family’s religious beliefs (which I’d considered the church as brainwashing and a form of control in itself), to adopting more agnostic, rational outlook on life, and now am re-learning to believe and come into my own power and spirituality again.

It does feel silly and childish sometimes, but the deeper I dive, the less judgmental I become toward myself and others, and that feels truer to the person I really am.

Thanks, Ivy, for the time, effort, and energy you give ❇️


I am cricital with myself and oftentimes think I am just a crazy one - BUT then there happen the most unbelievable stuff around me and the spells I do. So this video is just the right place for me! 🌿✨


Woman! I discovered you yesterday and have already watched 3 videos (this is the 4th). I have so many videos to catch up. I love your teaching style and all the good information you give. It's bringing together all the information I've been learning over the past year. ❤


Being SASS has helped me in my approach to my practice. I considered myself an agnostic gnostic witch. Many find Chaos Magick to be helpful.


i really enjoy that you acknowledged spiritual psychosis and that faith is a tool!!!


Hi Ivy, I've been doing successful spellwork for months now (almost a year) and part of it is thanks to your videos about manipulating energy. I was a skeptical witch for a long time, but I'm warming up to the idea that there's more to this world than meets the eye, especially since I've started to meditate more often and for longer, and I can now actually feel life force energy moving through my body. I can also feel energy gathering at various energy centers around my body. Sometimes the only thing that can help us set aside our skepticism is personal experience and experimentation. :) And I agree about the importance of investigating the source of limiting limiting beliefs had to do with the fear that people will think that I'm crazy or stupid.


My skepticism comes from the fear that if I give it everything I got, and it doesn’t work for some reason, I will be absolutely crushed by the disappointment, and it will lower my mental state. I guess my brain thinks it’s better to not try than to possibly fail.


Great video, I have a habit of going big right out of the gate. Starting small is good advice. I’ve done the parking spot thing before and it works.


Years ago, before I was even interested in all of this, I read somewhere that witchcraft was all about self-fulfilling prophecy, which I think speaks to what you were saying towards the end of the video. Ultimately, it all boils down to finding ways - which Ever ways work for You, to help yourself to find and be the best, happiest, most self-fulfilled version of you that you can be. I have a Lot of health problems, both physical and mental, as well as child-hood trauma, and though I'm a recovering cradle catholic, I Needed some form of spirituality that resonated and spoke to me, which I think I have only recently found in this type of practice. And within witchcraft, I'm gaining a sense of control over my life. It does feel silly at times, (I'm Very new) but the point is, by doing rituals or praying to Hel, or whatever, I'M affecting change for myself, I'm finding, in a very tangible sense, the means to take back my life. Holding those candles or whatever in my hands is powerful, rather than just thinking, or doing it in my mind. It truly is about self-fulfilling prophecy. I finally feel some sense of control over my life. I'm just starting with this, and what I told my husband (who's very skeptical, yet supportive), is that it doesn't matter if any of it is “real, ” what matters is that by doing these rituals, etc., I'm changing my perspective. Instead of Allowing all of these illnesses and issues dictate my life, by doing the little rituals and prayers, it puts the catalyst and momentum in my control to make things better for me. Just by asking questions to whomever you believe in, you can find the answers inside yourself, and maybe I Am getting a boost from Hel, and even if it is an illusion of support, it still Feels supportive, and it really is helping me find the courage within myself to do what I'm asking her for help with. At the Very least, it's putting what I need to help myself in the forefront of my consciousness, and the more I explore those questions and how she would guide me, the more I'm thinking about and finding the answers, and that support gives me the strength to initiate the changes I desperately need - I'm giving myself the permission and courage to do things that will improve my health and well-being. So it truly doesn't matter if it's “real.” What matters is how it makes you FEEL. But I Want it to be real, and so it is for me. I do find meaningful comfort and support from Hel, in ways no one else in my life would understand. She feels like the part I've been missing the 4 decades of my life, and that's what truly, Truly matters. My husband, for the record, totally agreed with me, and is being very supportive. We are both intellectuals, yet he respects that this is what I need, and is happy that I'm finally finding that much-needed spiritual fulfillment. I apologize that this wasn't written very well, it's kind of all over the place, but feelings aren't always easy to put into coherent words.
Thank you so much for this video, it's exactly what I needed, so maybe Hel helped me find it 😊.


Thank You ❤
I just wanted to say that I am glad you have this channel & I recently found it.
I am a super critical thinker & am still doing a lot of healing work on myself as I have a very evil & abusive mother.
Because this is one of my biggest obstacles, finding women like you who are genuine, intelligent & powerful is extraordinarily healing for me & helps heal my mother wound.


I just found this wonderful video when needed. I was having so hard time because I'm scientist (biologist) and love magic, but sometimes it comes to me that ego thing and ruins my practice as a witch. Thanks so much ❤❤❤❤❤
