Is BATMAN a Superhero or Just a Hero? (Batman Month) || Comic Misconceptions || NerdSync

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What is a superhero? Specifically, is Batman considered a superhero, or just a hero? Sure, he may not have superpowers in the traditional sense, but neither do other characters from Marvel and DC Comics who we would consider to be superheroes. So, what exactly are the criteria needed to meet the definition of a comic book super hero? Powers? A costume? A secret identity? Being a vigilante? We'll try to figure it out as we answer the age old question: Is Batman a superhero?

Every Wednesday, Comic Misconceptions explores the incredible stories, fascinating ideas, and mind-blowing theories regarding comic books and the rich history and culture that surrounds them!


What Even Are COMICS?

Should Batman KILL Joker??

THEORY: Killing Joke's Secret Ending REVEALED!


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What is a Superhero? - Robin S. Rosenberg and Peter Coogan

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We all know Batman's TRUE superpower....

Bat shark repellent


If batman isn't a superhero, that would mean that Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon, Antman, Black Panther, Nick Fury, War Machine and many more aren't really superheroes... because they all use tech or external means of gaining powers but don't have real, natural powers.


Here's the first video in our month of Batman aptly titled Bat-Tober: The Long Halloween! You can tell it's a Halloween video because the lighting is darker and spookier. Right?



in my opinion, the argument that Batman doesn't have powers doesn't hold up that much. Batman knows how to defeat every other hero in the DC universe. He knows 127 different martial arts. Once when a villain told him that he didn't have any powers, Batman's reply was "I have one: I never give up." He is at peak human condition. He has a lot of gadgets and skills. Superman has called him "The most dangerous man in the world" he may not have heat vision, laser eyes, or spidey-sense, but he doesn't need those abilities to measure up to the other heroes.Super or not, there is nothing mere about that mortal. Do not ever underestimate Batman.


I don't consider deadpool a superhero even when he's in the avengers. I think the 'HERO' part is more important than the 'SUPER'. deadpool may refer to himself as a superhero but he isn't strictly a hero.

another aspect I want to bring out regarding superheroes that I think you guys missed is individuality: all superheroes have a lot of individuality, batman is THE batman, not A batman, doctor strange is THE sorcerer supreme but harry potter is A wizard and luke skywalker is treated as A jedi and not THE ONLY jedi.

even green lantern and his marvel counterpart, nova have some of this: hal jordan was, for some time THE ONLY HUMAN lantern and nova was THE LAST of the nova core.


I think the best definition for a Super-hero is:
"Someone who possesses superpowers, or physical/mental abilities that are far beyond normal humans' abilities. He must have a super-hero identity which is a theme he goes by, even if his real identity isn't secret, and must use his powers to try and protect people on a regular basis."


I think you have to put the term "vigilante" on him first and foremost. Then you must add "costumed" because he wears a decorative motif. You can make a distinction between "costumed" and "uniformed", but that's a cultural thing. Next you need to determine "hero", "villain" and an "anti-hero". All do what they do for free, or would do it for free. A fireman or police officer could do a heroic act, but they aren't actual heroes, they are doing their job (hate me for that, but that how I see it). Now, the term "super" is the only part that is in question. Batman is most definitely a "heroic costumed vigilante" (I'm basing this on his no killing policy and not his "beat 'em up" days).

As for super, I might agree with the idea that, even if he is human and only doing what is humanly possible, Superman is only doing what is Kryptonianly possible, so why call him a super hero when what he does is natural to his people under a yellow sun. the same with Martian Manhunter and Aquaman (Martianly and Atlantianly, respectively)? We probably should judge the superness based on the human norm, which Batman exceeds easily from his over-training on everything.


Anyone who can overcome impossible odds to accomplish good is definitely a superhero.


Good mythical morning! Today we will answer the age old question, will it superhero?


Also in the context of Dr. Strange I've never felt that he was a superhero and could never pinpoint why until this video. That's because I've always seen him as a wizard and felt that he was out of place in the marvel universe


Given his early origin in the late 1930s, I think it's worth pointing out that it seems like the Batman was initially intended to be more like a pulp hero, like The Shadow, The Spider, or The Crimson Avenger. But simply being in a comic book instead of a pulp magazine tilted him towards the Superman/superhero mold, and being among other superheroes (Justice Society/Justice League) tilted him even more towards the superhero mold. It was no mere coincidence that Superman and Batman both appeared in World's Finest Comics (initially in separate stories, but eventually as a long-running team-up).


We know that Batman is a Hero, that's not in question, but is he Super? My opinion is yes. He's the only one in the core Justice League that doesn't use powers, and is regarded as the most dangerous member on the team. His intelligence and unlimited resources are more than a force to be reckoned with, and the shear fact that he doesn't have any powers makes it all the more impressive.


A Superhero is someone larger than life that you would look up to in my opinion. We call Firefighters "Heroes" but (except for the powers and secret identity part) they have a lot of similarities to super heroes, save people, are looked up to, inspire us, larger than life, tackle any threat, etc.


Batman has a super power, it's called money


SUPER wish you’d take audio from your episodes and put on a podcast so I can listen while driving and such! I am loving your stuff! Thanks for making these. Makes my day so much brighter. 😘😘😘


You may be on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


Good video. I thought you were going to discuss how Batman's technology grants him certain "abilities, " and how that sorta extends to characters like Iron Man or Green Lantern who also don't have innate powers and instead use more advanced technology.


I always see him as a Vigilantie, not a superhero


I think that someone can be defined a superhero only if the context he lives in define im as one.
For example, in America there's the Real Life Superhero Society (kind of, i don't remember exactly) which is members are just normal guys that does simply good actions wearing costumes, and i don't mean saving a school bus from falling in to a canyon, but just simplest things like carrying high people at home before they hurt themselves. And i think no one thinks that they are really superheroes, just volunteers.
But if we take Kick-Ass as example, it is defined as a superhero in his world. Same in Watchmen: Rorschach, Hooded Justice, the Comedian (well, not exactly...), Silk Spectre; they all don't have superpowers, they wear costumes, they does good actions and they have secret identity, but, unlike the real world, they are defined as superheroes.
It changes by the context.
If we could go back in the past and talked about someone who could become a green superstrong giant and jump over the mountains, the people of that time would have called Hulk a god. Thor is the reverse case.
If we could live in the Harry Potter's world and put a costume to a magician (even to a first year student) and make him do spells here and there, we could have two defintions for the same person: a superhero for the muggles and a rebel magician for the others.
It's all about the point of view.

(sorry for the bad english, i'm italian)


According to an old teacher of mine a Superhero is any hero who is involved with the saving of the world
