French President Macron seeks re-election

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A month ago, the French presidential race was offering little to quicken the pulse, with incumbent Emmanuel Macron expected to breeze through to another five-year term.

But far-right candidate Marine Le Pen has run a canny campaign capitalising on the cost-of-living crisis.

And now some are predicting that if she can make it through to the run-off between the two strongest candidates in a fortnight, she could even beat him.


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As always, scrupulously unbiased, factual reporting by C4 news, with no personal ideological views being expressed by the presenters. So admirable!


They would be crazy to vote him again, it's the same old story with Macron! Time to get him out.


Macron reminds me how wise we were to leave the corrupt moribund EU. Go Marine!


Emmanuel macron lives in a different universe than reality.


Macron might not be perfect, but the alternative is


Russia launched a special operation in Ukraine to eliminate nationalists and fascists who are supported by the Ukrainian government. They came to power in 2014 with U.S. support. In 2014, two regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, opposed this government. As a result, official Ukraine fought a war with Donetsk and Luhansk for eight years. Many civilians, women and children died. On May 2, 2014, people who opposed the new government were brutally murdered in the Trade Union House in Odessa. Russia tried to negotiate peace with Ukraine (meaning the United States), but without success. And if Russia had not started a special operation now, Ukraine, supported by the United States, NATO, and Europe, would have gone to war with Russia. The U.S. needs the war to weaken Russia. The U.S. is pursuing an aggressive policy against many countries in the world. Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia. If American citizens do not force the U.S. government to remove NATO bases and biolaboratories from Russia's borders, U.S. defeat is inevitable


So now it’s okay to have hit pieces and heavily criticise females in politics? Hypocrisy is ok as long as you disagree with someone’s ideology I guess 😂


pure propaganda absolute tosh victory to LE PENNE
not far right but not far wrong either


I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm assuming that, based on the thumbnail, this will be biased in favor of Macron.


Much being made of National Rally taking money from Russian banks but noticeably they have skipped lightly over the main reason why. The French banking system shut them out leaving them with little choice but to go abroad. No doubt the Russians saw an opportunity to get a wedge in place and took it. A text book example of why trying to shut down political parties via financial rules at home can backfire. C4 might have come up with an interesting story if they had investigated why that happened but they didn’t. How many other political parties in France are denied access to the French banking system and what are their policies? Might have been interesting if it turned out all the right wing parties are locked out and that someone encouraged the banking system to do it.


I hope Marine Le Pen gets in, she might put a stop to the refugee taxi service to France and hopefully stop the spongers coming to the UK as well?


Shockingly weighted opinion from C4 again....


Lets hope the French voters do the right thing! Macron needs to go....


I assume Macron will just about win it this time around. Would be too revolutionary for Le Pen to win. But then again… the world is full of surprises lately


Channel 4 maybe you should mention the time when Obama shook hands with Putin too.


*If this is, as Matt Frei put it, "an unpopularity contest", I am puzzled by why Macron would fit that bill.*
-- France has not been doing badly under Macron and although he may be perceived to be removed, arrogant and imperious, that seems to describe every French president I know.
-- Besides, France has expressed its sense of nationhood in terms of its 'place in the world' and at the top table. In this, Macron has worked hard and is now also criticised for an image that the French themselves have supported since 1945 (at least).
-- Leaving aside Brexit, the EU has moved rightwards, especially so in the smaller Member States. Le Pen's rise in France was underwritten by a bank loan from a Russian bank (aka Kremlin) and there is plenty of evidence of similar Russian involvement in EU political and other institutions.
-- Many commenters here point to the elite, globalists and corruption as reasons to support these populists. They march against wars, against laws and regulations they disagree with, storm the social media space on a range of rights they say are threatened. It is ironic that such expressions of opinion or actions would not be allowed in Russia or most of the countries that sided with Russia on recent UN votes.


Can't blame. Money available? Take it. No doubt she doesn't admire
Putin much!!!!


No coverage of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who was 0.8% away from getting into the second round. His beautiful and radical manifesto was amazing. He was a strong 3rd place yet you cover Z more. Shocking.


There is a new word in Russian - to macron. It means to call at any time with any reason and without a reason😂


Macron over 85% likely to win according to Betfair and Smarkets bet exchange.

