HOT SEAT | Free PowerPoint & Google Slides Game for ESL, EFL, and Foreign Languages

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✭ Takes inspiration from the original Hot Seat game as well as the game show Password
✭ Updated gameplay to engage more students at one time
✭ Dynamic point system
✭ Add as many rounds as you’d like
➊ Split your class into teams. How many teams you have as well as the size of your teams is up to you.
➋ When the game starts, one student from each team will come to the front of the class and face away from the screen showing the PowerPoint.
➌ You will show the rest of the class a picture, word, or sentence and the students at the front will have to guess what is on the screen behind them.
➍ To help them, you will choose one team to give them one-word clues (these can also be sentence clues if you have a higher level class).
➎ The clues will be given to the students at the front one at a time. After a clue is given, you will start a 20 second timer allowing the students at the front to guess.
➏ However, they can only guess one time per clue. So, if a student guesses wrong, they can’t guess again until the next clue is given (but feel free to change this rule if you want).
➐ The first student to say the correct answer gets points for their team. If 1 clue was given, their team gets 6 points, if 2 clues, 4 points, 3 clues, 2 points, and 4 or more clues, only 1 point.
➑ The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!
▸ To play as a writing game, give the students at the front mini whiteboards to write their guess on. In this version, once the 20 seconds are up, I would give any student who wrote the correct answer points for their team.
▸ You can also use this template to play using the original Hot Seat game rules: One student comes to the front and the other students give them clues about what’s behind them on the screen. In this version, the student at the front tries to guess as many pictures or words as possible in a set amount of time.
#powerpointgame #eslgame #eflgame #languagegame #educationalgame #googleslidesgame