Gervonta Davis express his love for Coach Calvin Ford! #boxing #gervontadavis #allthesmoke

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Baltimore dude would be dead, thank god for coach Calvin, we got the Tank!!😊


One thing this man has grown and is so humble his whole team Calvin and Kenny are truly a blessing y'all saved this mans life from the beginning loyalty Baltimore is the shit we different if we with you we with you we got that swag confidence but not arrogance look at his old video he says something like I'm Godly BLESSED that man is such a great performer that he can sell out anything even if he ever lose he still already made history because the people LOVE him dont let money fame get in y'all ear don't think ur better than the people who took care of u when you had nothing Calvin u keep saving them Baltimore kids 🎉t😂 that Man loves him like he's really really his dad that is how great he treated him for Floyd Mayweather to say that hanging on his coattails or hip whatever EVERYTHING that he gets he earned and deserves it that's what wrong with our color teach them then when they start shining u get scared thinking he's dimming ur light and he didn't have to play the bad boy to get people to love or hate him he started growing not needing Floyd to talk for him he learned the game from the Master and he wanted his OWN empire some people don't know or don't want to share the light they want the spotlight just on them every body gets a turn for the bright lights u should be proud in having a hand in this greatness u put the big light on him just be happy both of y'all need a sit down and apologize to each other but Calvin u are GOD sent Allah Akbar inshallah he will stay the champion until his retirement Allah knows Best
