The Calling Online Sisterhood Community

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The Calling is your online sanctuary to awaken, heal and transform through combined Sacred Feminine and Shamanic teachings.

A space to be in a like-minded community that supports and holds you through this journey we call life.

Because when women come together we find our voices, we mirror each others light and we remember our power!

Sister, imagine this…
✓ Deepening your connection with yourself
✓ Revealing and integrating hidden truths
✓ Tapping into your divine feminine wisdom
✓ Accessing and embodying your authentic expression
✓ Reclaiming your power and protecting your energy
✓ Healing through limiting beliefs, generational trauma and deep rooted conditioning
✓ Immersing yourself in teachings of the Sacred Feminine and Shamanism
✓ Aligning your life with heart-led truths & desires
✓ Transforming your life inside and out
✓ Being a part of a sisterhood community that enriches you with a sense of belonging, and knowing you are never alone!

Womben can you feel The Calling…

It’s a subtle sensation of knowing that there is a way more beyond what you think you know.

A niggle that nudges you and comes forward every now and again…

A felt sense there is more of you to explore, to embody, to become.

This is your spirit, your true essence, and she is calling you to let her in.

Join the online sisterhood community today:

Only £35 a month (no obligation, cancel anytime)

Love & blessings,
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