If I Didn’t Have You- Howard Wolowitz Cover

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Cover of “If I Didn’t Have You” by Howard Wolowitz from season 7 episode 6 of The Big Bang Theory.

I change the chorus a little so it fits my wife’s name instead of Bernadette. Hope everyone enjoys.
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He was so careful... To not say "Bernadette" 😇🤣


Bro, I got emotional just by thinking how special that moment might have been for her. Your voice is great, so as your heart. We don't know each other whatsoever, still got my respect. That's what love looks like.


Well Done! Now do "Thor and Doctor Jones"!


I need a girlfriend who's a TBBT fan too, so that i can sing this song to her 😂


Im not crying, just wiping my eye sweat


I miss big bang theory so much that I can't listen this song without crying


Step 1: Learn guitar.✅
Step 2: Get a good singing voice. Meh🤷
Step 3: Get a girlfriend...
Yeah, thats where it hurts😐


This is one of the cutest freaking things I've seen on this entire website.


0:47 I thought their friends will pop up and be back up singers behind the couch; on that’s right social distance. May God continue to bless you both and your future family always


Start with 'Bazinga' and end with 'One more thing You are in my spot' ooh boy U R just Spot on!!
Even U Don't know dude how beautifully U sing the song!!
After 30 years from now when U will getting old and Your son or daughter watch this video, they will be proud to imagine that How Romantic were their mom & dad.
This is very special and unique song.


This is on my list🤧. You nailed man, I'm crying!


This is one of the most beautiful things on youtube no cap.


She's so happy. I'm so happy. There's so much love between these two.


This is beautiful brother. Thanks for sharing. My partner and I watch Big Bang Theory when I miss my mother. She and I used to watch that show together, because she told me Sheldon helped her understand me. It's amazing how sometimes the seemingly simplest artistic expressions can hold such power in the right context.

I'm going to record my own cover of this for my fiance. Thanks for the idea man.


If I didn’t have you, life would be blue,
I’d be Doctor Who without the Tardis,
I'd be a candle without a wick,
A Watson without a Crick,
I’d be one of my outfits without Dick-ie
I’d be cheese without the mac,
Jobs without the Wozniak.
I’d be solving exponential equations
That use bases not found on your calculator,
Making it much harder to crack.
I’d be an atom without a bomb,
A dot without the com,
And I’d probably still live with my Mom.
Ever since I met you,
You turned my world around.
You supported all my dreams and all my hopes.
You’re like Uranium 235 and I’m Uranium 238,
Almost inseparable isotopes.
I couldn’t have imagined
How good my life would get,
From the moment that I met you, Ashley.
If I didn’t have you, life would be dreary.
I’d be string theory without any string.
I’d be binary code without a one, Cathode ray tube without an electron gun.
I’d be “Firefly”, “Buffy” and “Avengers” without Joss Whedon.
I’d speak a lot more Klingon:
qalopmeH QaQ jajvam and I’d definitely still love with my mom
Ever since I met you,
You turned my world around.
You’re my best friend and my lover.
We’re like changing electric and magnetic fields:
You can’t have one without the other.
I couldn’t have imagined
How good my life would get,
From the moment that I met you, Ashley.
Oh, we couldn’t have imagined
How good our lives would get,
From the moment that I met you, Ashley


She is a lucky girl. Amazing performance brother. Hats off


The actual reason why you are lucky is, your GF understands BBT references...


Sempre que sinto meu coração doer um pouco, volto a este vídeo para lembrar daquilo que me traz alegria. Essa é uma canção muito importante para mim, não somente por the big bang theory ter sido algo presente em minha infância, mas por ter estado comigo nos momentos mais doces e inesquecíveis de minha juventude.
Um rapaz que hoje é meu namorado passou a assistir aos episódios dessa série sem que eu soubesse, mal também sabia ele que eu estava a assistindo, estávamos quase nos mesmos episódios, muito bobos descobrimos que falávamos da mesma coisa o tempo inteiro. O episódio a que se refere essa canção é um muito importante em que Howie, de último momento, prepara uma surpresa para Bernie depois do incidente no laboratório, ali, talvez o que seja mais gracioso, é como pensamos com muito carinho no desenvolvimento do personagem. Bernie entrou na vida dele sem pedir licença e o amor é assim mesmo, se hospeda e é bem vindo como um filho amado é para uma mãe coruja (dei risada agora).
Depois que descobrimos que assistíamos juntos, uma ligação ainda mais forte surgiu entre nós e aos personagens (esses citados anteriormente). Sempre tivemos o hábito de assistir filmes juntos, os dramáticos, os de dar risada sem razão, os de dar risada com razão, os com pombinhos apaixonados e até mesmo os tristes, mas, essa série é a única que hoje podemos dizer que é nossa.
Meu rapaz e eu temos uma história muito bonita, com risadas, canções e definitivamente muitas notas de nossas almas em dias alegres como também em dias frios. Faz algum tempo desde que assistimos algo juntos, tenho o feito companhia enquanto joga nas horas vagas, o tempo tem sido cruel mas meu amor é intocável.
Escrevo isso às onze da noite do segundo dia de fevereiro, com saudade e muito amor no profundo de minha alma.


I cryied like her. That song always melts my heart. The major highlight on BBT


I honestly cried for like an hour after I saw this. So pure. 😭❤️
