Bissell SPOTBOT Pet review!

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Hey everyone! I’ve got another Bissell review since it seems like people liked the last one! If you want more reviews, let me know in the comment below :)

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Hi Arriana! I really appreciate and enjoyed your Bissell product reviews. Thank you for posting the videos. As a 3 yr owner of the Bissell Crosswave, I wanted to let you know that it took us about 3 weeks of use (2 to 3 times a week for about 20 to 30 min sessions) to get our floors into to tip top shape. My floors have NEVER been cleaner, and they have been very easy to maintain since making that investment. I think people mistake the Crosswave for not doing a very good job the 1st few times they use it, because they may not realize JUST how dirty their floors truly are, when you don't utilize a machine that is so effective. Also, the Crosswave should be used with fairly warm to hot water and the correct product choice for your floor type. Ours floors are a very rough, porous, almost "patio" like stone, and they were always in horrible dirty condition no matter how much we mopped them. Now with the Crosswave they are fabulous and super clean. I am interested in getting this SpotBot product thanks to you, because I would like to adopt a puppy soon and know I may really need it! Take care and thanks for the great Bissell videos!
