Brian Tracy - The Power of Self Confidence

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Just because...

Your limitation - it's only your imagination. Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Sometimes later becomes never. Great things never come from comfort zones. Dream it. Success doesn't just find you. The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you achieve it. Dream bigger.

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This changed my life. 20 years ago, when I first listened, I was making minimum wage. I listened to this at work every day. Last year, my business made over 1 million dollars. It's real, folks.


This book has helped me overcome a very depressing phase of my life. Not just that I even achieved my greatest goal. May the one listening to this audiobook achieve the same and more, Best Wishes ❤😊


46:40 You can only really believe in yourself when you absolutely know that you have the ability to do what you set out to do. True self confidence comes not from positive wishing or positive hoping or positive thinking, it comes from positive _knowing_ based on having proven to yourself over and over again that you have what it takes to go from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. Self confidence is a state of mind, it is an attitude. Your job is to do whatever it takes to convince yourself in your heart that *you are absolutely unstoppable and that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.*
47:40 Self confidence is an attitude of mind


Brian Tracy has literally changed my life. After listening to the many audio books and video clips he has, I have more than doubled my income. I am still struggling with financial independence as I get so many unforeseen events that require me to cough up a lot of money, but I'm not giving up thanks to some of the lessons Brian has taught me, and also my faith in God. Wishing everyone here lots of self belief, well planned successful futures, and love and happiness.


I use to naturally be like this in my 20s and 30s now I'm 45 and so many things have happen that has broken my spirt and drive. And I'm trying to figure out what is my next long term goal and what I want to do. I have great ideas for inventions and I am a writer. And it seems I don't believe in myself anymore. Listening to this is a start. I wish all in the the comments the best with your goal setting and fulfilling your dreams💛💞


“You are not what you think you are. But what you think, you are.”


This is one of the greatest book I have ever read. It is very inspirational


Goals to set up for the fullest live
- Finance
- Relationship
- Education
- Spiritual
- Health & Fitness
- Social & Community

Goals must be measurable.
After accomplishing a small goal, present yourself a reward
Keep goals confidential

1. Decide exactly what u want as if you have no limitation
2. Make a list of 10 goals within next 12 months
3. Write in present tense and positive way
4. Set priority
5. Review ur list and ask “if i was guarantee to any of the goals, which one would be the most affective to my personal happiness?”
6. Commit to ur goal


8:04 Contributors to low self confidence.
9:45 Principle of causality, the law of cause & effect. (Aristotle)
13:00 Roots of low self confidence, early childhood. Even when achieve great success, feel like imposters.
13:50 Happiness and positive, above all what we really want is peace of mind. You can only enjoy peace of mind when you feel confident in your ability to deal effectively with the requirements of life – with your family, your friends, your work, your customers, your social activities and all the other things you are involved in.
42:16 The foundation of self confidence, the basis of boldness and self assertion is a deep inner trust *based on living a life of perfect integrity and then disciplining yourself to live consistent with your highest values* in every situation.
46:40 You can only really believe in yourself when you absolutely know that you have the ability to do what you set out to do. True self confidence comes not from positive wishing or positive hoping or positive thinking, it comes from positive _knowing_ based on having proven to yourself over and over again that you have what it takes to go from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. Self confidence is a state of mind, it is an attitude. Your job is to do whatever it takes to convince yourself in your heart that *you are absolutely unstoppable and that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.*
47:40 Self confidence is an attitude of mind


Un-freaking-believable! He's absolutely nailed it!


1:04:00 Fear will often appear as PROCRASTINATION


1.list top 3 values
2. top 3 work/business values
3. top 3 people to spend afternoon with
4. why would you spend it with them?
5. why would they spend it with you?
6. 3 times you’ve resisted compromising value
7. what are you going to do to keep values&actions aligned

1. decide what you want
2. make list of 10 goals over 12 months
3. write list in personal, positive, present tense
4. make list of what you have to do to achieve goal in order
5. choose one goal to do in 24h with most impact
6. put it at the top of the list, organize it, and take action immediately
7. do something every day working towards your goal to succeed no matter what it takes

1.what you believe with emotion, you will act on; fear and desire based
2. commitment, conviction, clarity, consistency
3. fear appears as procrastination
4. comfort zone= convincing yourself that procrastination is the best you can you
6. personal greatness= having a sense of destiny and conviction that you can achieve it.
7. set increasingly higher goals with conviction to avoid comfort zone


Oh my god. I had to stop in my tracks and rewind 13:32 a couple of times because this spoke directly to me and my soul.


Your future tomorrow is defined by your actions today and the mindset you had yesterday.


Every second of this audiobook makes me feel more confident d


I love everything about this book, and it has changed my perspective regarding life in general.
My only quarrel about these audiobooks. Is referencing to the so-called Greek philosophers. For instance, I'm quite certain the Egyptians had the laws of cause and effect, laws of living in a just society, or a had Sense of moral integrity 10, 000 years prior to Aristotle, or any other So-called Greek philosophers


1:32:50 There’s a direct cause and effect relationship between competence and mastery on the one hand, and self confidence on the other.
1:32:55 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Performance book. Peak experience is a form of Natural high, that causes you to feel absolutely terrific about yourself, gives you a wonderful overhaul feeling of wellbeing and happiness.
1:35:30 *Men and women who achieve extraordinary things in life are merely ordinary men and women who have learned to put themselves into flow and to function at peak performance more often than the average person.*
1:37:18 You are here on earth to do something special, something that perhaps only you can do, and you will be truly fulfilled until you find it and completely commit yourself to it. *“Your heart’s desire.”*
1:41:56 They were working harder than they ever had before, but as a result they were happier than they’ve ever been. Physiology is confident and *it’s obvious that they’re really enjoying their lives. They have a calm, quite confidence in themselves that is unmistakable and makes them stand out from other around them.*
1:50:18 Generally when someone is unhappy with their life, especially a man, they are dissatisfied with their work for some reason. Many people view work as a punishment, but something that is unavoidable. They try to do it as well as they need to so they don’t get fired, but they never really think about whether they enjoy it or not. Your life is too precious and valuable to spend it doing something that you don’t enjoy. Every minute of it should be spent doing things that you love and care about, and which make you happy.
1:51:10 *The highest paid people worldwide are working at jobs that they enjoys so much that they hate to go home at night.* The lowest paid people are found at jobs they dislike, where they are just going through the motions.
1:52:10 However you measure it, choosing the right work for you is central to enjoying high levels of self esteem and self confidence – not only in your work, but in every other part of your life.
1:52:50 Expertise or being recognized as one of the very best in your field is one of the essential ingredients for success in American life.
1:53:00 SELF CONFIDENCE COMES FROM POSITIVE KNOWING RATHER THAN POSITIVE THINKING. *It’s only when you know that you’re outstanding in your chosen field that you really feel terrific about yourself and that you enjoy high levels of self confidence. Men and women who are good at what they do and who know it, are very different from those who are only average.* They walk, talk, dress and behave differently (alpha male psyiology, high serotonin). They have an attitude of assurance and certainty about themselves which causes them to stand out in any group. They have a deep down sense of self worth and self confidence that is evident to everyone around them.
1:55:10 The most important thing about this young sales rockstar is that *he exuded self confidence and personal pride from every pore. He had a positive self image and high self esteem. He was admired and respected by the people around him.*
1:56:30 Life is a *balance sheet* analogy - credits and debits. Everything counts. A successful, happy, self confident person is an individual who has deliberately and self consciously built up a lot of credits on his/her balance sheet. An unhappy, negative or insecure person has a lot of debits on his/her balance sheet.


I learned so much from Brian Tracy. He gives the best life advices which I have followed and made my life so much better. Thank you Brian!


44:00 Chapter 2
1:26:34 Chapter 3
2:14:24 Chapter 4
2:58:44 Chapter 5
3:43:39 Chapter 6
4:19:46 Chapter 7


One of Best comprehensive learning book of all times
