What is the Free Archetype Rule in Pathfinder 2e?

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The free archetype rule is awesome, opening up so many character concepts and speeding up builds, but it can be a bit too much for first time players!

But I do love my Alchemist Ranger, so after a little time it stops being confusing and instead it is exciting!


If you're a fan of monks and love the grappling playstyle, I'll highly recommend the Wrestler archetype. And if you ever want to add a little bit of a brawler feel to another character, check out the Martial Artist archetype.


I'm slowly figuring out what my first PF 2E character will be. A lot to take in though.


A word of caution against players fully expecting to get the free archetype rule. I know plenty of PF2e tables that don't use it!

This is still a very neat rule that helps you flesh out characters, just temper your expectations and feel like you *must* have the rule. The game works fine and is still fun even without it!


I'm really happy that you've stumbled upon this aspect of the game, as well as that you see it as a common alternative rather than something separate from the core game. I'd personally refuse to play any multi-session pf2 campaign without the free archetype rule, because it just doesn't feel "pathfindery" enough for me without it.


As a person that has played PF2E since launch I strongly suggest that all new players go through one campaign without adding any new rules, to include the Free Archetype rule. This allows you to learn all the RAW before you start expanding things.


Once my group adopted the rule into one of our campaigns...I don't see us going back to regular play anytime soon lol.


So excited to learn more about your character build! Free archetype does such a wonderful job of helping to sprinkle in flavor. :)


Thanks for all the PF2e content, I really appreciate it! I'm a 5e refugee and trying to soak up as much of the Pathfinder 2e system as I can and your videos really help!


I’m so exited for this. Can’t wait to see the numbers compared to D&as numbers (:


I'm so excited you embraced the rule varient! I'm happy for you. Rouge is great for the archetype on casters for armor.


Yep, most groups after the 1st campaign pretty much use the free Archetype variant rule.


I'm so excited for this video. And the Pathfinder builds in general!!!!


Loving the PF2E content! Thanks so much! Just getting started and you’ve been really helpful. 🙏🏻


Can't wait to see you try and make some gishes in this system! It's a real puzzle to work out if you don't go magus


Pathfinder 2e is so hard to get your head around initially so it's been a difficult sell for my players, but the character variety is so high the free archetype rule being a huge part of that.


Can't wait for the Pf2 Monk video! When is the release?:)


As much as I do like the FA variant, it *is* still a variant, and while a lot of people like it, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a universally *played-with* rule. It does add power since your characters will have more options in any given situation, especially if you start optimizing with it. Very rarely *does* it affect raw numbers, but it can in subtle ways that bend the system a bit - for example, the Magus Dedication is fairly loaded, and with just a few feats from it a Free Archetype Fighter could potentially be a better Magus than the Magus with a Fighter dedication ever could.

Adventure Paths (the pre-written modules for Pathfinder) will specifically mention if the PCs are using Free Archetype, and they usually restrict you to a specific one - for example, Strength of Thousands is played vanilla with Free Archetype rule, but characters are restricted to either the Wizard or Druid dedication, since you are students at the Magaambya - a famous school for learned spellcasters.

Pathfinder Society (the equivalent to Adventurer's League) does not allow the Free Archetype variant, so it isn't fair to compare it to Feats, which are allowed by AL (especially since feats in 5e feel like they were more of a "band-aid" fix so they didn't have to update the rules to actually give you feats).

If you do decide to make builds that *use* Free Archetype, I would also urge you to attempt to build it similarly without Free Archetype. Or rather, flip the perspective around - build a concept without FA *FIRST, * then build it again with FA and see how crazy you can get with it! Have the non-FA build be one half of the video and the FA one be the other half. I guarantee you that you can make most character ideas in your head just fine without Free Archetype - and then the FA at the end is just gravy.


So...just a warning, it can add quite a bit of flat power. When used to flesh out a concept, it's not much. Adding wizard/psychic/eldritch archer and all the important magus class feats to a not starlight magus will be WAY more powerful than a magus without the free archetype. Also I would not say free archetype is as universal as feats. For one, PFS doesn't allow free archetype, but AL allows feats for one.


At first I was really enamored with free archetype and the options it brings, but over time I figured out that it makes people feel pampered. Not having to choose whether you get a class feat or an archetype is just because people wanna be more powerful without having to make choices. Now I prefer either no free archetype or limited free archetype, where the gm predetermined the available archetypes, which is actually how that rule is supposed to be played according to the book it's from.
