Discover Chipmunk Burrows

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Learn about chipmunk biology and how to identify their tunnel burrows

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Chipmunks make very distinctive noise for different predators. I was near my house where I normally see this little guy. I hear him start chirping and its the noise they make to warn of overhead predators. Next I know this little bugger runs over and sits right on top of my foot. The reason he was chirping, there was a hawk circling the area.
What I find really odd is that I haven't had any interaction with this little guy. Other than watching him run back and forth from a distance. He sat on top of my foot for a minute or so. I guess as soon as he felt the coast was clear he buggered off. It was a neat experience.


Made friends with a chippy two years ago...he has no problem jumping in my lap and eating out of my hand. He showed up again last year and literally ran right up and jumped onto my foot!


I have a chipmunk friend named Nutters. She knows her name and hangs out w me in the backyard. I keep Killer, our Coopers Hawk from eating her. So do the group of Crows that i befriended in my yard. Although crows don't normally defend chipmunks, they are smart and understand my fondness to Nutters. It helps that I feed them hard boiled eggs, nuts & cat food in the morning. Nutters has had one litter of babies so far. One of her kids comes back so I will supply them with nuts. I love wildlife. ♥️💚♥️💚


I ❤️ my chipmunks ! I feed 3, although, one of them gets the vast majority, because, he's mean to the others .


Being a major wildlife lover, I fed chipmunks by hand. Where I live, they are skittish around people. I got the chipmunk comfortable around me by putting wildlife food by my feet, then on my shoes, to in my garden gloved hand. I did it near the bird food area. I filmed them eat out of my hand. They ate nuts sitting next to me on the porch step. With the wildlife food, they fill their cheeks, run to their burrow, and run back to me.I also fed deer, but not by hand. I tossed them an apple. They seemed comfortable near me. It was a large buck in our fenced in backyard, and a younger doe a few days later. I haven't seen one in our yard recently while I'm around, but I keep an eye out for them.


I love chipmunks. One has a burrow in our front yard. We love watching them pop in and out of the hole that leads to it. They are so cute. We put out seeds and unsalted peanuts for them to eat. I love taking videos of these cuties!


I don't attempt to touch chipmunks, they touch me lol. I've had them on my head.


I have some chipmunk friends on my back patio who come out every morning and afternoon to get peanuts . It’s pretty cool


An owl just landed in a tree in my backyard which is full of chipmunks. I didn't realize he was probably predating on chipmunks I just thought he dropped in to take a rest. Today I was sitting on my sidewalk watching a pair of squirrels frolicking around a tree where I fed them, and three chipmunks came running in formation out of the bushes along my house, when they realized they were running straight towards me they cried out and changed direction faster than a UFO. I've heard they're solitary animals but these seemed to be in a group. Of course one might have been chasing the other two and I just observed it as a "group".


Chipmunks don't get much attention, but their incredible survivors, animals like this are the ones who survive major earth threatening catastrophies.


Why do you say don't touch a chipmunk?? Every chippie I befriend lets me touch them, currently, I have two friends, Scarlett and Biggie who sit on my lap and let me pet them while they stuff their cheeks full of peanuts and seeds to take home for stores. I adore them and they are very easy to befriend.


Had one of these little guys fall into the pool when it first opened. I spotted him and was able to use the skimmer to get him out. Unfortunately, little guy was extremely hypothermic and unable to even run away when placed on the deck. I put him in a shoebox with some towels and a warm bottle of water. 45 min later, he returned to the woods in good spirits


I lived near a stonewall and every day after work I would bring sunflower seeds and they would start chirping and go into the burrows until I left .


I have one we feed on porch but he or she is shy it loves licking the dripping of the humming bird feeder when we change it out. Have yet been able to get close to him


I used to find chipmunk burrows right outside of my apartment complex and I would see them peek their little heads out


Came for chipmunks stayed for Ms. Mallory!


nice video chipmunk, thank you for sharing


"Never approach or attempt to handle wildlife on your own"? My backyard chipmunks must've not gotten that memo, since they initiated the entire deal after raiding my bird feeders and realizing where the food was coming from, now keep me company whenever I'm in my backyard. They touched first and it would be rude to not return that attention. :)


I guess i’lol stop allowing them to eat out of my lap. Thanks for the warning😂😂


I love my chipmunks. One had a burrow right under my dinning room window. But she seemed to have moved, as it is sealed off now. But she is still around and takes the nuts I have been setting out elsewhere. Can you explain why a chipmunk would move? She did this after having a couple babies. Once those left her burrow, she doesn't come back to where she raised them. Is it common for chipmunks to relocate burrow? Would this be because of potential predator presence? (A rat recently showed up nearby.. I am trying to rid it ... just a note). Thanks in advance.. even if this is not noticed. :) take care . Anyone with any insight would help.
