MoKnowsHair Review!

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#moknowshair #unbrush #naturalhair #washday #washdayroutine
I reviewed products from the relaunched line of MoKnowsHair! I really enjoyed the previous line, specifically the Scalp Clarifier and the Elasticity Restoring Treatment. I tried those two products from the relaunched line. It was fun getting to use both products again. I think the next time I use the scalp clarifier I'm going to spray with water to help it suds up even more before rinsing it out. Also, with the deep treatment I usually don't deep condition outside the shower, but I'm going to leave it on in the shower and let the steam be the heat next time. Overall, it was a great experience!
I reviewed products from the relaunched line of MoKnowsHair! I really enjoyed the previous line, specifically the Scalp Clarifier and the Elasticity Restoring Treatment. I tried those two products from the relaunched line. It was fun getting to use both products again. I think the next time I use the scalp clarifier I'm going to spray with water to help it suds up even more before rinsing it out. Also, with the deep treatment I usually don't deep condition outside the shower, but I'm going to leave it on in the shower and let the steam be the heat next time. Overall, it was a great experience!
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