Use Standby List Cleaner For Games Giving You Trouble Playing

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What was not discussed in the video:
1. Set the Free Memory Is Lower than: "At the amount your game normally uses + 1 GB.
2. Hit the Purge Standby List Button
3. Set ISLC Polling Rate (ms): 2000 (ignore what I have it set to)
4. Hit the Start Button
5. Start the Game
If you play games that normally need ISLC then you can add a checkmark to "Launch ISLC on User Logon (TaskScheduler)".

Personally, I've not found any real benefit lowering the Timer Resolution. Which is why I didn't mention it in the video. However, it doesn't stop you from trying it for yourself. You can use either 1.00 or 0.50 in the "Wanted Timer Resolution" and you place a checkmark on "Enable Custom Timer Resolution". Then you hit the Start Button.

If you want to make any changes make sure you hit the Stop button 1st (if you already started the service).

But overall, again, make sure you don't set the memory too high (or else it never flushes) or to low (were it's consistently flushing memory all the time).
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Make sure you read the description for more details.


in my lap i have emptystandbylist. i have that file in program files in c drive.. it clear standby files and it works fine..may i try this for better performance sir ??


What about the list size is at least option? some say to use are we leaving it to 1024 even with 8gb ram ? does it matter ?


in the program it shows me 16299, is it correct to use 8149 or should i use 8149.5 which i excat the half or should i use 8150 this confuses me? or something very different, you did but the number a bit higher than half, sry for bad english


Thank you for the video! although I have one question that I want to ask, Why I have to set the ISLC Polling Rate to 2000 really curious about it


I’ve been using this for I want to say a year now and for some reason every time I open it now it Cannot load Counter Name Data Because an invalid index” idk what to do so if you could help it would be appreciated


am i able to revert back to before i installed it or does it not do permanent damage sorry im new to this overclocking stuff i tried this for rust with 16 gb ram cut it in half and did the milliseconds correct as per a video i found on this app but your saying i should maybe "find the sweet spot"? the frame rates dropped to unplayable levels i just hope i can at least get it back to what it was and no irreparable damage....i think rust would be a game id want to use as much as possible (hence why i put it to half)but i suppose i should do what you said and play around with the number more or less? Sorry this is a bit confusing


when i clean the standby list my pc freezes for 20 seconds how to fix that?


so if i have 16gb ram, instead of putting the free memory is lower than: 8000, i try 10000 or 12000? basically the less the standby list gets cleared the better it is?


i choose polling rate 10000 and i have low end pc any issues ?


I’m stuck on the polling rate.
I have a high end PC. Intel i9-10900k
32 GB ram - 3090 FE. Should I be on 500 or 1000 polling rate.


Hey idk why but my islc doesn't autostart when i start my pc i have the autostart ticked so
