C of E Arch Bishop's reject truth and chases after myths - C of E in freefall downwards

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''For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.''

2 Timothy 4:3-4 New Living Translation (NLT)

Archbishop Welby is more concerned about friendship with the world. He professes a Christian faith but rejects ''the Apostle of Christ'' Paul who writes clearly to his younger brother Timothy above; Welby has rejected ''sound and wholesome teaching'' because he's scared of the world and wants to be seen as welcoming and inclusive.

LLF is an aberrant path for the C of E. LLF is a form of extreme spiritual deception and is now becoming home to highly manipulative and deceptive influencers. The message people want to hear is that of ''radical inclusion'' ; little knowing that this is the path to darkness. A spirit of Jezebel has landed in England in the 2020s.

LLF is a path of destruction for the Church of England. In it are the seeds of its own destruction.

Listening to this the video outlines Scripture and shows a way out of the sheer hopelessness of thinking in the worlds way. Make sure you don't allow a wolf in sheep's clothing into your local church. LLF will destroy the C of E and a grand realignment will most likely take place.
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Dave, thank you for speaking the truth. The Church of England should be ashamed.


The truth expressed honestly and with kindness.
Thank you, Mr. Alan.


''For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.''

2 Timothy 4:3-4 New Living Translation (NLT)


Well said. I’m not a C of E but Baptist, this topic is trying to infiltrate all denominations.


I strongly urge anyone watching this video to research the Anglican Ordinariate of the Catholic Church!


Compassion and Tolerance only apply only to people, Compassion and Tolerance does not apply to sin.


I agree but the problem is that you can be an Anglican Bishop and not even believe in God or the Bible so then you make the rules up to suit yourself ...


It’s difficult to comment on this because YT censors routinely remove posts that take a rational perspective to abnormal sexual impulses….to do so is considered “hate speech” and invites a 24 hour comment ban.
It’s important to note that [alphabet] behaviour isn’t wrong because the Bible says so; rather, the Bible says so because it’s wrong, as any sensible natural law approach to the issue will demonstrate.
Agree that the CofE hierarchs are corrupt; unfortunately this is also the case i the RCC.


Nothing says love like the hatred coming from religious people!


LLF afficionado's talk about ''Radical Christian Inclusion''. This is empty rhetoric and means little.
