STM32CubeIDE Advanced Debug Features: Part 1

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Learn how to create your STM32-based application using STM32CubeIDE and use its Advanced Debug Features to enhance your debugging skill set with the NUCLEO-F401RE board and use this knowledge as the basis for your own application using any STM32 with ARM Cortex M3/M4/M7/M23 or M33 cores.

The STM32CubeIDE can be used to create applications for STM32 devices using STM32Cube libraries (HAL and Low Layer versions) and this video series will cover the features for debugging one simple application firmware using that as the basis and augment the debug experience by using the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) and the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) with several different hands-on sessions to explain all possible views and setups in the debug session.

Benefits you will take away:
• Understand the hardware needs to use the SWD + Serial Wire Output (SWO)
• Understand differences between SWD and JTAG, and which ARM Cortex cores can be used
• Understand how to manage the debugger settings in the STM32CubeIDE to access the SWV
• Learn how to use special breakpoints and live watch during the debug session
• Learn how to retarget the printf() function using the Serial Wire Output (SWO)
• Learn how to use all SWV features, including Data Trace, Time Measurement, Exception Trace and Log, and Statistical Profiling

In this video:
We’ll start with the agenda and what to expect for the entire series, as well as a deeper understanding of what the resources are available in the STM32CubeIDE from three major perspectives:
• code editing
• code writing
• debugging and programming

Learn the details that allow the STM32 to use the debug interface that supports the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) and a full description of the elements and features that compose the SWV debug capabilities.

Hardware requirements:
Preferable board: NUCLEO-F401RE, but any Cortex M3 or higher can be used for the hands on session with some minor changes.
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This series of videos are essential and thank you for producing them. Unfortunately they are severely let down by the narration. The sound level, terrible sound quality and low vocal tone exacerbates the problem of trying to understand someone with a significant accent. The accent would not be a problem if not for the terrible sound quality. Even YouTube captions does not understand what is being said. (I have tried using studio monitors and headphones.) Videos by Andreas Spiess prove my point. The videos need to be re-released with better voice-over. Please, please, please!


I also am having a very difficult time understanding this presenter, I'm sure the presenter is a very nice person but for this material it is important to have a clearly worded presentation so those folks who are paying extreme attention to the details do not have to pause and go back 15 times during this 9 minute presentation. presenters should be selected for the clarity of their presentation not their working knowledge of the process.


Hello. I have very specific question about debugging with STM32CubeIDE, no answer. How re-start debugger without re-programming flash. No answer. And seeking in these videos is just a big pain. Why, do you really cannot just write it as text, so we could seek for what we need? The presenter, no matter how good engineer he is - I cannot understand him. Yes, I'm not native english speaker, alas. Please, please provide written versions these videos are just waste. Once again, i cannot and do not try to judge the lecturer's knowledge.


WHY the most important thing of all embedded programming with worst speaking? Does the speaker eat something or suck or sleep or reading a lullaby? STMicroelectronics I prey you add normal subtitle's. PLEASE. English is not my native language. It is very very difficult to understand.


the entire ST-world with all the magnificent software I have seen so far is just a PITA: not even the generated code works out of the box. You should be ashamed.
