Is Aeon Noire The best Closed Back Headphone Under $1000!?

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For those interested in DCA headphones, they do sell replacement ear pads, so if they do happen to wear down on you, you can replace them.


Holy shit, this production quality is absolutely out of control, dude. I am genuinely impressed.


the timing on this video upload is impeccable, i just started looking for good closed backs lately


Love the lighting and overall execution of this video. Very fresh and artistic!


I own a pair of these and use them at work running off a fiio k5 pro and they’re absolutely fantastic. They’re more comfortable and sound more detailed than my focal radiance at least on this amp. When I run them at home on my topping a30pro they sound even better. I did replace my pads with a new set of dca pads that don’t suffer from the foam rolling issue. Would have been nice if dca had offered to replace them for free but it is what it is.


Well done again Josh! I'd love to hear your take on the Atrium Closed considering all you just said on the Noire if you ever get the chance. The work you do in your videos is astounding.


Love my Aeon Noires with EQ. I sold my Focal Elex's and am thinking about ditching my he6sev2's because I almost always use the noires. They have an even wider soundstage than He6's and Elex and have the benefit of isolation. Plus the comfort is the best I have tried.


Awesome review as always, loving the editing man. If you ever get the chance try get your hands on the updated Audeze LCD2C closed backs, they seem to miss all the big reviewers. I picked a pair up on sale over the Aeon 2 noire and they are amazing would be a great comparison with two Planars


Haven't had a chance to check out the AEON, but for everything that is not classical music I completely love my Beyerdynamic/Drop DT 177X GO!


I love the Aeon 2 Noire and use them the most due to their comfort. Here's how I rate the sound among headphones I own: Diana TC > Aeon 2 Noire > DT 1990 Pro > HE 4XX > PS500e > DT 1770 Pro > HD 58X


I am so lost. So I am trying to upgrade from the sennheiser 6xx into like real audiophile headphones, like 500 - 1000 arena. I get that Its subjective though and each headphone will accentuate different sounds. Soooo I keep watching different videos on under 1000 dollar headphones and i cannot make up my mind at all becasue who knows what my taste is going to be. I do like the 6xx though and im wondering maybe if i upgrade with a drop collab, maybe thats the move so its less money. but there are also some black friday deals. Damn... ANNDDD right at this time my 6xx are broken, woke up the other day and somehow the one side was smashed and indented .. no idea how it happened.. but yea those are done, the audio sounds like its in mono now.. sooo yeah i definitely need headphones right now, but i wanted an upgrade. But yeah who t f knows if ill prefer one of these higher grade headphones when each one from my understanding seems to play the music differently ... right... so what do i do? anyone? haha smh
oh i also have a diverse taste in music so the genres are typically all over the place. I love a lot of rock, but also acoustic, orchestral, edm and trap with more bass oriented stuff... all over the place... so im assuming i might need multiple headphones for different genres. Or is there a upper range headphone that is good to cover most genres very well overall...


I owned these at one point and they're the most comfortable closed-backs I've ever worn. Fantastic build quality. But for sound quality, they sounded... dead. No dynamics. Nothing "wrong" with them but just kinda dull and uninteresting.


Call me crazy, but I overall MUCH prefer the Ether CX for most cases/genres, and especially so if EQ is allowed. Even without EQ, my opinion is: Ether CX is more comfortable, has better imaging and soundstage, has a better midrange/vocal presentation, and doesn’t have uncomfortably sharp highs (it’s raw tuning at a high level simply lacks a bass shelf). To me, the only reason to get the Aeon is for the more compact/portable design and bass shelf. I think think it gets bested in basically every other area by the Ethers, or is AT LEAST matched.

Also, you can typically find it for less than the aeon. I got mine used with extra accessories (like a hard carrying case) for $400.

Beautiful video by the way. Lots of fun shots throughout.


Joshua, which amp fits the Noir best? Do you have any suggestions?


The Aeon Noire is F'ing fantastic for the price.. I also like the focal celestee and radiance both got used under $1k. The Noire is probably a step below in technicality and performance but it has a nice tuning and that timbre is quite good.


Hello Joshua! PLEASE, can you tell me what the best choice between the FOCAL CLEAR, DT 1990 pro, HIFIMAN SUNDARA, HD800s, T1 (3nd gen), DENON AH D7200 and the CLEAR MG, for watching movies and gaming?🙏🙏🙏


Great video editing, man. Keep it going


For someone who claims to be treble sensitive, the mastering on your voice has a lot of trailing siblance and wet reverb on esses and tees.


genuine question does joshua's voice sound a little muddy to anyone else? can't tell if i'm going crazy i'm listening on the app2


Hmmn, worth a try for me I think. My high frequency hearing loss (guitar, bands, attended so many concerts - look after your hearing kids) means I tend to favour some extra energy in the treble. What would you recommend in the highest end for closed backs?
