How to play like John Deacon of Queen - Bass Habits Ep. 5

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Most bassists: (only use a certain part of the fretboard.)

John: “I paid for the whole bass, so I’m gonna use the whole bass.”


The word underrated is pretty overused, but it absolutely applies to John. He’s an excellent songwriter, a rock solid and extremely versatile player with some incredibly standout techniques, and he’s written some of the greatest bass lines in rock history. Not enough people give him the credit he deserves


I have huge respect for John Deacon and Brian May. Both inspired me to start Bass and Guitar Playing.


Thank you so much for paying attention to John Deacon; he is soo underrated


We will probably never have a band as musically diverse and genuinely artistic again. The combination of those four musicians was a stroke of nature’s magic.


I love John's playing. Really creative and perfectly executed. His playing, for me, really makes many of Queen's songs be the success they are. Bass is easy to overlook sometimes - but John is right there at the front with his playing, despite being a very quiet and unassuming performer. I love watching and listening to him.


I love some of queens underrated songs which were penned by Deacon like "spread your wings" and "you and I"


Deacon is amazing! One of my biggest bass heroes of all time.


Thanks a lot for this intelligent analisys of John''s work that allows us to understand better his genius


Very observant.Johns' playing is so cleaver.He's terribly underrated, never letting ego get in the way of tasteful playing and the song


The most under appreciated part of the greatest rick band ever!

John was one of the best bassists ever and certainly the most under appreciated one.


Thank you for your video. I am glad to learn that many are still appreciate John Deacon until now.
Regarding his double bass playing, in the 3rd album Sheer Heart Attack, he already played double bass in the songs "Lily of the valley" (at the end, with a bow) and "Bring back that Leroy Brown" (solo in the middle).
For the album A Night at the Opera, he played the double bass with a bow in the intro of Death in two legs (the squeaking sounds behind Brian's guitar) and in '39. What a talented musician!


John is not underrated, he is actually known as one of the best bass players in Rock music.


Bravo! John made his bass sound like a cello at times and that is so awesome when bassists do!


It's more than half of the year since the video is up, so I hope somebody still sees this.
When I discovered your channel by watching Kiss, Joy Division, Cure and Muse videos I was ready to comment if you can do John Deacon. But you already did!

I think John Deacon is one of the most underrated musicians ever. Amazing personality, fantastic songwriter and such a great, versatile and unique bass player. I can hardly think of any other like him. From "Son and Daughter" to "Millionaire Waltz" to "You and I, " which has so incredible bass harmonies and to "Sail Away Sweet Sister." The bass playing at the end is out of this world. One could have never expected where the bass is gonna take him. It's ridiculous!! Even "Bohemian Rhapsody's" got a killer bass line that harmonizes with the guitar.

Thank you so much for this video, which could be as long as the discography of my favourite band.
Also, if you run out of ideas (because I would love to here those from you haha), Martyn P. Casey is another fantastic bass player ("Into My Arms" has such a special bassline), Carlos Dengler another awesome one, ofcourse Tina Weymouth and also The Killers. I'm not sure who writes all the basslines for them, but maaan! "Imploding the Mirage" album is truly a gem! "My Own Soul's Warning's" killer bass intro, "Caution" has got an amazing bassline too and ofcourse "Fire in Bone." Anyway, I hope you enjoy them, thank you again!!


Thank you for highlighting John Deacon’s immense talent 🌟🌟🌟


Thanks for pointing out how different was the interaction between the bass and the guitar/keys! When I was a beginner, i was in a band with a piano player, and we always had trouble finding a good relationship between the guitar the keys and the bass. Now I know we shold have listened to Queen more!


None of Queen did things by halves...Brian using dozens of chords whilst most used three, Freddie"s multiple harmonies, Roger was also a great drummer.John played beautifully and so accurately, the icing on the cake.


So that explains why I have always thought John deacon is really a genius. Same as Freddie, Roger, Brian..all multi instrumentalists


Great video, I think John Deacon is one of the greatest rock bass players!=)
