Creating a Route Module File | Angular Router | Angular 13+

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We have defined our routes in AppModule file. However, its always a good practice to include the route definition in a seperate module file when we have more than 2 - 3 routes for our angular application.
In this lecture, we will create a new module file and inside that we are going to define all the routes of our angular application. I will show you step by step, how you can create a router module file where you can define your angular applications route and than how to register it in AppModules file.
You are going to learn following topics in this lecture:
1. Why we should define routes in a seperate module file?
2. How to create a module file and define routes in that file?
3. How to register the route module file in AppModules.
In this lecture, we will create a new module file and inside that we are going to define all the routes of our angular application. I will show you step by step, how you can create a router module file where you can define your angular applications route and than how to register it in AppModules file.
You are going to learn following topics in this lecture:
1. Why we should define routes in a seperate module file?
2. How to create a module file and define routes in that file?
3. How to register the route module file in AppModules.
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