The Unfortunate Side Effect of Creatine...

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Older Creatine on Hair Loss Video

If There's Only One Supplement to Take

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Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the world. Touted for many of its benefit, including improved exercise performance and cognition, it has been a staple dietary supplement, particularly creatine monohydrate, in the world of fitness.

Some however, have had concerns about creatine and its unfortunate connection to hair loss. It's not uncommon that personal experiences have linked creatine to this unfortunate side effect, but does it just happen to be a coincidence or is there actual data to this? In this video, we'll break down the connection between creatine, DHT, and baldness (alopecia) to get to the bottom of this hair loss conundrum.

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Any information in these videos should not be taken as personal healthcare advice. If you have questions about your health, please speak directly to your personal healthcare professional. #creatine #hairloss #fitness
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Since creatine is getting expensive and scarce down here in Brazil, I just stopped buying it an switched to anabolic steroids. So far so good, it is working!

Edit: chill down guys, that was a joke... I'm taking both actually lol


“Say It Depends” had me dying wayyy more than it should have lmfaoo 😂😂😂


Been using it for the past 21 years and the only different thing about my hair is the few white ones :) other than that same density


i been taking creatine for 6 years now, and have not had problems with hairloss since i went bald


I been taking Creatine for half a year now. The only difference I’ve seen is huge gains and harder muscles lol. No hair loss I still have same density


The humor you are adding to your videos is perfect. You have found the perfect balance between serious data talk and funny short jokes.


I have personally experienced hair loss on creatine. Had long hair when I used creatine for 6 months and then got a hair cut for the summers so my hair were very short. There was a literal bald spot on top which even my friends noticed. It was not like I had completely lost my hair but it was very noticeable hair thinning. Then I went into the rabbit whole and found out the DHT increasing effect & connection between hair loss and DHT. Stopped using it for 7-8 months & my hair grew back or became thicker, so the bald spot disappeared. Then I wanted to try creatine again as it was the only supplement which actually made my muscles fuller and even increased my lifts. So, found out that ketoconazole shampoo blocks the DHTs effect on hair. Been using creatine & ketoconazole shampoo for 1.5 years and my hair remains the same.


Hair or no hair, Never will I care
My love for you will always be there


*Creatine is coming for your hair.*

*People that are balding/losing hair:* “I don't feel so good...”


Feels like the videos have more character and emotion in them, love it


DHT is directly correlated with hair loss. Blocking dht production on body can actually stop or reverse male pattern baldness.


Jokes on creatine, I voluntarily shave my head.


If you want some real gains, not dealing with these problems, just take care of your diet. If you struggle to create a meal plan for yourself, there are many great helpers where you can do it in minutes. I'm following a muscle gain meal plan from Next Level Diet, and I can't explain how useful it is to me. I simply buy all the food that is on my grocery list, prepare meals and focus on other things 'cause my macros and portion sizes are already calculated for me.


I’m female but been using creatine over 10 years now and still have a very thick head of hair. Only side effects I ever had is just needing a little more water than usual and well, the awesomeness of supplementing with it.


I experienced hair shedding and thinning. I stopped and it went back to normal. It could possibly raise DHT levels. This is my experience.


I've been taking creatine for about 10 years, and my hairline has been gradually receding for around 5. That said, I am almost 34, and one might expect that at my age. Though, I will say there's not a single man in my family that has lost hair like this. Both my grandpas died with full heads of hair. My older brother doesn't appear to have lost any. My dad is balding, but his started on the back of his head and worked its way forward instead of at the temples like me. Oh well, I'll just shave it when it gets bad enough.


I'm already balding and would love to have the rest go. Just started taking it a month ago and I'll pray for this side effect. I'll come back and re comment later on if it speeds it up.


After taking creatine my hair started to fall at a scary pace. I know people where that did not happen. So from my experience yes creatine makes hair loss, but not to everyone


I have seen myself a noticeable thinning of my hair when taking creatine for a couple months. I stopped taking it and the hair density came back to normal. I was 28 when taking creatine.


I noticed my hair thinning and hairline receding about 8 years ago when I was 25, after I had been exercising regularly for a year or so (mostly cycling). No creatine required. I didn't really notice any notable difference in the rate of change when I was using creatine regularly, and it certainly continued after I stopped using creatine (mostly because I wasn't sure if it was helping with workouts). I thought I'd be bald by now, but enough hair has stuck around for me to not feel compelled to go full Mr. Clean.

Personally, I'd rather be fit and bald than skinny fat with my old hair.
