Welcome to ELO HELL (League of Legends) — A Bo Burnham Parody

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Is the matchmaking system specifically out there to make *YOU MISERABLE?*
Are *ALL* your teammates *AND ENEMIES* boosted. but you can seemingly never win?
Have you ever been "unfairly" chat-restricted because of *YOUR TEAMMATE?*

Welcome home, you're not alone! *Welcome to ELO HELL.*
*Disclaimer:* This video is for entertainment purposes only. UNSW RiotSoc strongly condemns toxic behaviour and the use of elo-boosting in ranked solo/duo-queue. Be respectful to your teammates and please adhere to the Summoners' Code at all times while ingame. Enjoy!

Written, Performed, Edited by
Sean Choi

Written, Directed by
Jason Jin

Filmed by
Jason Jin
Noa Quach
Reece Wang

Special Thanks
Chris Chan
Michelle Sunito

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Hey everyone, 👋
Wow, this video really blew up!
We're currently sitting at 100k views, and on the behalf of the UNSW RiotSoc team, thank you 🥰to everyone who has watched this video, and especially the commenters for your everlasting support!
We hope to continue release more exciting music content in the coming year, 🗓so feel free to subscribe, and keep in touch with our upcoming project releases.🎬
And by popular request, the lyrics can be found here, please enjoy! 💕

Welcome to Elo Hell!
Come enjoy your stay
If you’re not a smurf, then hope your favourite colour’s gray
We’ve got all kinds of players, some better, some worse
And if you keep your mental health then you'd be the first!

Welcome to Elo Hell
Now’s your time to feed
Would you like to play alone or with a teammate guaranteed?
There’s no need to tryhard, no need for that stress
Ran down so hard you’re worth as much as CS

Welcome to Elo Hell
What would you prefer?
Would you like to fight alongside bots or racists who use slurs?
"We scale! I’ll carry!" says 1/18 Vayne
"You're taken hostage 'til we die of old age!"

Welcome to Elo Hell!
Toss your life aside
Here's a tip for clearing jungle, here's a threat of homicide
We’ve got tierlists, and coaching, and streamers galore
And an excess amount of defensive stances causing all incoming basic attacks to miss
Welcome to Elo Hell

Hold on to your boots
Did you want to get to Platinum?
You should buy my elo boost
LP’s healthy and rewarding, so keep buying more
Don't act upset you know you love it you wh-re!

Play as a star dragon or a blonde explorer twink
Miss your ulti, dodge a game or cast a kill securing blink
Snipe a streamer and then Beem her
Get outsmited by Kadeem or
Become the greatest feeder, post a meme,
Backseat a teammate in your-

Autofilled jungle Lee Sin
1v1’d by Gromp
Prove how losers' queue is real while random teammates gank your mum
What honour level are you?
Challenges are here
Why are you always stuck in Silver every single year?

Could I interest you in solo queue, all of the time?
A little bit of solo queue, get on the grind
Insanity’s normality when you can never climb
Two hundred collective years of game design

Could I interest you in solo queue, all of the time?
A little bit of solo queue, get on the grind
Insanity’s normality when you can never climb
Two hundred collective years of game design

You know, it wasn't always like this

Not very long ago
When people said GG
Faker Zed and Insec Lee, Tyler 1 Corki
We had Statikk Shivs
Marks and glyphs
A snow map or two

We set our stage, they spent their days
For you, you, insatiable you
When we started Worlds in DreamHack
And since then we grew
And the Silvers kept watching
'Cause we'll be there too

Now look at you, awwww
Look at you, you, you
The seasons kept coming and
It's Thirteen now
You're still not out
Tell me, are you through?
And if you keep on playing
We'll know we can do
Anything that we please
Bring you all to your knees

[*laughing hysterically*]

Could I interest you in solo queue, all of the time?
A little bit of solo queue, get on the grind
Insanity’s normality when you can never climb
Two hundred collective years of game design

Could I interest you in solo queue, all of the time?
A little bit of solo queue, get on the grind
Insanity’s normality when you can never climb
Gonna need the therapy 'cause sanity's a fantasy
With two hundred collective years of game design


"200 collective years of game design" If I had a hat, I'd tip it to you sir. Hope your masterwork of a parody blows up!


"Insanity's normality" I really think this is going to become my favorite saying.


I have never seen an algorithm-blowing video of such high quality


This is one of the best pieces of League content in years.


"Tyler1 Corki~" best line of the parody.


I don't even play League, but that didn't stop me from watching the whole video. Incredibly well done!
And your vibrato is gorgeous!


That evil laugh he did was way too good


Yes finally after all these years we get another fan made LoL song. I hope this guy can take the place of all the missed old legends such as The Yordles, Sivhd etc


Reminds me of the good old days of actual great content made about this game.
Good times..


the attention to detail is amazing. this guy got the whole vibe of the original down to every single cut in the video. awesome!


As a hardstuck Silver LoL player, its been a while since i laughed that hard. That is awesome parody man, GG.


"Two hundred collective years of game design" fits so well with the song, amazing work!

To anyone still playing league, we're rooting for you! We know you can leave it someday. You deserve better.


gotta be honest.... when he sang "why are you stuck in silver every single year?" Ngl I felt that so deep inside my soul. Fr!


Holy moly, what a fantastic parody! The lyrics are funny and catchy. This deserves more recognition.


"an excess of defensive stances causing all incoming basic attacks to miss"

This shit right here. That's the truest, rawest line.


this taught me more about league than league itself


Mandatory lyrics post:

Welcome to Elo Hell, Come enjoy your stay
If you're not a smurf, then hope your favorite color's gray
We've got all kinds of players, some better some worse
and if you keep your mental health, then you'd be the first

Welcome to elo hell, nows your time to feed
would you like to play alone or with a teammate guranteed
theres no need to tryhard, no need for that stress
ran down so hard your worth as much as cs

Welcome to elo hell, what would you prefer?
would you like to fight alongside bots or racists who use slurs
We scale! I carry! Says 1/18 Vayne
You're taken hostage till we die of old age

Welcome to elo hell, toss your life aside
here's a tip for clearing jungle, here's a threat of homicide
we've got tierlists and coaching and streamers galore
and an excess amount of defensive stances causing all basic attacks to miss

Welcome to elo hell, hold onto your boots
did you want to get to Platinum? You should buy me elo boost
LP's healthy and rewarding, so keep buying more
Dont act upset you know you love it you whore

Play as a star dragon or a blonde explorer twink
Miss your ulti, dodge a game, or cast a kill securing blink
Snipe a streamer and then beem her
get outsmited by kadeem
or become the greatest feeder, post a meme, backseat a teammate in your-
autofilled jungle leesin
1v1'd by gromp
prove how losers queue is real
while teammates gank your mum
what honor level are you? challengers are here!
Why are you always stuck in silver every single year

Could I interest you in soloqueue all of the time
a little bit of soloqueue get on the grind
insanity's normality when you can never climb
two hundred collective years of game design

Could I interest you in soloqueue all of the time
a little bit of soloqueue get on the grind
insanity's normality when you can never climb
two hundred collective years of game design

You know? it wasnt always like this
not very long ago, when people said "gg"
faker zed and insec lee
tyler1 corki
we had statikk shivs, marks and glyphs
a snow map or two
we set our stage, they spent their days playing
for you, you, insatiable you
when we started worlds in dream hack, and since then we grew
and the silvers kept watching cause well be there too
Now look at you (awwww)
look at you, you, you
the seasons keep coming and its thirteen now
youre still not out, tell me, are you through?
and if you keep on playing, we'll know we can do
anything that we please, bring you all to your knees

(Maniacal laughter)

Could I interest you in soloqueue all of the time
a bit of soloqueue get on the grind
insanity's normality when you can never climb
two hundred collective years of game design

Could I interest you in soloqueue all of the time
a little bit of soloqueue get on the grind
insanity's normality when you can never climb
gonna need the therapy
'cause sanity's a fantasy with
200 collective years of game design.


Your voice is so soothing actually, this parody is so nice to listen to just for the voice alone at least. The pardoy was amazing as well.



ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second.
At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.
