C# LAMBDA Expressions and ANONYMOUS Functions Tutorial | 2021
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In this video, you will learn about Lambda Expressions as well as Anonymous Function in C#
An anonymous method is a method without a name. Anonymous methods in C# can be defined using the delegate keyword and can be assigned to a variable of the delegate type.
This means we don't have to define a method of our own each time we want to call a method that needs a delegate, since maybe we want to call it once, so defining a dedicated delegate every time we need one can ruin the code structure very fast.
We will also learn about Lambda expression, which will simplify the creation of anonymous methods even more!.
The difference between an expression lambda and a statement lambda is on the left side of the goes to operator an expression lambda will have an expression (one line of code) where a statement lambda will have a code block { some lines of code }.
Anonymous methods can help us to write the code blocks in-line, where delegates are required.
In C#3.0 Lambda expressions were introduced. It provides a simple, more compact, functional syntax to write anonymous methods.
The word lambda is taken from the lambda calculus, where everything is expressed in terms of functions.
We will be using lambda expressions to create anonymous functions/methods.
To create a lambda expression,
We need to use the lambda declaration operator (also read as “goes into or goes to”) to separate the lambda's parameter list from its body.
A lambda expression can have one of the following two forms:
-Expression lambda that has an expression (one line of code) as its body.
-Statement lambda that has a statement block (executing more than one line of code) as its body:
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An anonymous method is a method without a name. Anonymous methods in C# can be defined using the delegate keyword and can be assigned to a variable of the delegate type.
This means we don't have to define a method of our own each time we want to call a method that needs a delegate, since maybe we want to call it once, so defining a dedicated delegate every time we need one can ruin the code structure very fast.
We will also learn about Lambda expression, which will simplify the creation of anonymous methods even more!.
The difference between an expression lambda and a statement lambda is on the left side of the goes to operator an expression lambda will have an expression (one line of code) where a statement lambda will have a code block { some lines of code }.
Anonymous methods can help us to write the code blocks in-line, where delegates are required.
In C#3.0 Lambda expressions were introduced. It provides a simple, more compact, functional syntax to write anonymous methods.
The word lambda is taken from the lambda calculus, where everything is expressed in terms of functions.
We will be using lambda expressions to create anonymous functions/methods.
To create a lambda expression,
We need to use the lambda declaration operator (also read as “goes into or goes to”) to separate the lambda's parameter list from its body.
A lambda expression can have one of the following two forms:
-Expression lambda that has an expression (one line of code) as its body.
-Statement lambda that has a statement block (executing more than one line of code) as its body:
tutorialsEU offers you free video tutorials about programming and development for complete beginners up to experienced programmers.
This includes C#, Unity, Python, Android, Kotlin, Machine Learning, etc.