Top 10 Characters You Should Build in Genshin Impact 4.0

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These are the Top 10 Characters You Should build In Genshin Impact 4.0 if you are a new or returning players. While some may not be the "strongest" they provide support, fun factor, or ease of use that anyone can enjoy. Many of these units are also very Mobile friendly... because charge shot users like Ganyu can feel terrible to play for some people!
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The Art style is really cool, and the combat reminds me of old beat em up games!


bro actually seems like he doesn't hate his life this vid, im shook


@10:22 To add on a little bit more info to Kokomi, as a unit, she's also the most artifact efficient character in the entire game, up to this point. Firstly, because you don't have to worry about crit stats, this makes building her much easier. Secondly, there's a very wide variety of artifact sets that not only work with her, but they work quite well. You've got a standard healer/damage dealer hybrid build with the clam set, or you can use the thrilling tales + tenacity set on her. BUT, you can also use her to carry your dendro res-shred artifact carrier, allowing Nahida or another dendro character to use gilded dreams. Or, you can use Kokomi as a driver for reaction based teams, focusing on HP and EM, while using her as a turret to mow down enemies at a distance. You can also use a wanderer's trope artifact set, with an EM catalyst (building EM and HP stats) and have her use her charged attack to vape pyro to do some fairly high f2p friendly damage, with this method being the only way she can do more than 100k damage in a single hit.


To new players, take note that Defense and Resistance are different things. Mtashed mistakenly mentions Kazuha and Jean shredding defense, but he means resistance.


I would also recommend to build YaoYao, dendro character, easy to build, and a fast healer when you ult.


I’d just like to point out Yaoyao. She’s an insane healer (can outheal Bennet/Kokomi) while also providing more dendro reactions for your teams. She’s extremely cheap to build (hp/hp/healing % or hp) and shares the same artifact set as many other dendro units (deepwood). Her best in slot for f2p is literally a 3* the black tassel. I’d also like to point out Yoimiya as an insane dps for players on mobile. Her normal attack play style makes rotations easy and effective. Her artifacts can also be farmed in a popular artifact domain (emblem of severed fate/shimenawa’s)


Got Keqing as a new player before inazuma. She was my first 5 star. She is excellent for exploration to get higher up! And so fun to play. I have stuck with her all this time.


Man it makes me feel so happy that he is finally playing the game not with frustration but with really trying to enjoy it.felt like the old tashman was back


Thanks for making these videos, I really enjoy them and are useful for new players like me ❤


From an ex meta slave / theory crafting enjoyer to new players:
There is probably no character that has more value on an account than Xingqiu. Absolute must build unit with the best single target hydro application by far (at c6 about twice as much as Yelan if I remember it right), insane damage output (at c6 about equal to Yelan because it's also easier to buff) and really underrated defensive utility (take up to ~50% less dmg + most of the time more than enough heal to make up for it).
Xingqiu has always been insane but with the release of dendro, he even surpassed Bennett according to Zajef. There is actually not a single case in combat where Xingqiu can't AT LEAST keep up with Yelan and most of the time he is straight up just better. Together they are even better tho.
Also, he is one of the easiest characters to get and c6 because he is free in the Liyue event every year and he is also in the starglitter shop rotations.

Anyways, Xingqiu is my #1 recommendation to literally every player, no matter how good their account is.


When Kuki came out, I copped with her by using a physical build so i was really happy when dendro came out.


I want to add crowd control units; kazuha likely won't come back for a couple of months, venti might come soon but Nahida was actually the unit that helped me through my cc-less days (I didn't get even just sucrose until AR 53) bc of nahida's linking ability, you kinda get a cc effect and she helps clear groups on enemies so quickly. Also her collecting ability in the overworld is just really useful. I'd definitely prioritize her over venti rn since dendro can clear so much more for most of the game


As a person who had diluc since he first came out, i love him on every squad i put him in, to me he is the best pyro character in the game


honestly fischl carried me in early game and she's basically necessary for dendro teams. she's a great battery and she can hit like a truck with the right artifacts. don't sleep on fischl y'all she's one of the strongest (and most comfy) characters in the game


Pretty much covered all my personal recommendations as well. The only ones I feel worth adding here would be Kaeya and Beidou (although she would be subject to the same reasoning as Fischl's here) just because they both can be incredibly strong and can scale well through late-game.


Xiangling, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Bennett, Fischl, Kuki, Nahida, Kazuha, Zhongli, and Kokomi would be my top picks as a 1.0 player with a stacked account. They all are super versatile in a lot of teams, very strong, and fun to play in my opinion.


If you're only just starting on the game I would recommend just building characters that is mostly on that region, mainly on Monstadt and Liyue continent it will be more easy for you to level up the characters and their talents. If you got this characters early game I would recommend using them in the early game (Kaeya, Rosaria, Bennett and Xiangling) (Sucrose, Fischl, Beidou and Xingqiu) if you want to use hyperbloom right away you can use (Barbara/Xingqiu, Dendro Traveler(as the video state you can sprint to Sumery and resonate with dendro element), Lisa and Zhong li if you will get him on the next banner). For me if you're between AR 15 to 40 that's my recommended team to use if you got them.


Notable 4 stars for me. that cam work in multiple scenario.
YaoYao - Dendro, healer.
Kuki - Electro healer, excellent for hyperbloom.
Xingqiu - Hydro, damage reduction, abit healing.
Beidou - Electro, damage reduction. Has shield with cons.
Yanfei - Pyro, excellent shielder with Cons 4.
Thoma - Pyro, shielder, can work in burgeon.
Razor - Eula 4*.
Kaeya - Cryo, good dmg
Lisa - Electro, can work on hyperbloom/electro-charged.
Amber - Pyro, supportive with Eledgy.
Dionna - Cryo, shielder, healer, EM boost (Cons 6)
Sucrose - Anemo, grouper, shares EM.


I honestly think that Beidou is very underrated, maybe because she doesnt work with Raiden, but still if you get her constellations she is an insanely good sub-dps and can honestly replace fishl in some team comps


You should speak about the important concept of off-field elemental application. Yae miko's use in dendro teams, Ayato and Ganyu burst, Freeze comps. Also, you should speak about ICD of element application and the units with altered ICDs
