MOST ISOLATED Buildings On Earth!

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The most remote buildings found in the world! These are the world's most remote historical, residential and religious structures ever constructed.

#16 Moonhole (Grenadines)
In the Grenadine Islands of the Caribbean, on the isle of Bequia, is a small, remote community of homes built directly into the environment. Moonhole began as a single home merged with nature. A tree grew through the master bathroom, and materials like whalebones, native wood, washed up sea materials were used to craft the home. Today, the 17-home community is used as an eco-friendly vacation rental and wildlife preservation.
#15 Drina House (Serbia)
One hot summer in the forests near Bajina Basta in western Serbia, a group of young men sought refuge from the rushing current of the Drina River when they found a large rock in the middle of the stream. After stretching out on this craggy surface, they found it to be uncomfortable, so when they returned, they brought wooden planks to lay on. Before they knew it, the group had erected a small shack strangely elevated above the rock and river. Time and the rushing waters have torn it down 6 times across history, but after each destruction, a newer, sturdier building went up in its place.
#14 Castle Stalker (Scotland)
A lone isle on the Scottish Loch Laich is home to a four story keep called Castle Stalker. It’s one of the best-preserved medieval structures throughout Scotland and has gained somewhat mainstream fame thanks to its use in the classic film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The castle began as a fort in 1320, but over time expanded under new lordship. It passed from clan to clan throughout history, most notably around 1620 when it transferred from the Stewart family to Clan Campbell as result of losing a drunken wager! It endured some major damage, being abandoned in 1840, but it has since been restored and is privately conserved, opening up to the public a few times each summer.
Рекомендации по теме

look like great places but his pronunciation of every single one made me not want to go
