Black Molly Fish Care (Need to Know)

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Molly fish care starts with getting an adequate aquarium size. You will also need a heater because they need tropical water temperatures. Another super important variable is your Molly fish male to female ratio. If keeping too many males in the same tank you were going to suffer from probable aggression. Molly fish are constantly trying to breed and the males can get extremely aggressive and assertive and sometimes even kill the females.


I consider this a fairly easy fish to take care of but you have to be careful of that aggression scenario involving the female to male ratio. You’re going to want to give these fish adequate amount of space to move. This means keeping them in a 20 gallon aquarium or larger. Some of the Aquarium layouts are better suited for these fish because they are longer and give the fish more swimming length side to side.
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I picked up 5 female black mollies that are acclimating right now, and I’ve just noticed there a three babies in there too. It’s awesome.


My Mollies just had babies lol I was so excited


Can you have a bristlenose catfish in with them when breeding them


I've just put in 2mouth I fine that the big male is caseing around the young fry.


I've kept both dalmatian and black mollies and they are very easy to keep. And yup they do breed like crazy so a large tank is best.


I need help. My molly fish has one buldging eye and the other molly fish is hovering at the bottom and hiding..they both pregnant


I have three female Dalmatian mollys. 2 angelfish and 12 neon tetras. Wanted to add a sailfin Molly. Have a 36 gallon bow front


One thing you should do is only get sponge filters because I had baby mollies happen and they were my first ones and I got sad because I got sucked into my filter😢


Will they eat normal fish flakes Or just algae?


I was given 20 baby mollies they are white, siler, dalmation, black and gold and black. They are around 4 months now I cant tell the difference between some of the male/females. But some are getting aggressive I've taken some out and put them in a smaller tank. Suggestions please


I have a big white spot on the back of my molly, I tired salt an Fritz Maracyn Oxy for a week. And it's still their. Help


My black molly has something white on his top fin


my waters cloudy and cant figure out why, i think i need a better filter, i have a wave maker and 2 old whisper filters, i need some suggestions for good filters


@PalmerFishTalk what are signs of them being sick & the different sicknesses to look out for & symptoms


What temp do you treat a molly tank of they have ich? I read it just speeds up life cycle of the parasite if you crank the heat gradually to 85 or 86. Isn't that hard on the fish if you're treating with anti fungal and ant ich medications? I moved my fish to two 5 gallon buckets to treat them while I overhaul their 29 tank. The medication is tetra anti fungal and kordon anti ich med. It has methyl blue and malachite green. I don't have any live plants ATM. Should I use any aquarium salt? The fish are at 80-82* f ATM in both buckets. I'm going to invest in a quarantine tank for any other problems in future.


They keep eating my plants theres ton of babies in there i need advice on what to plant so they dont eatel everything


Idk why but I’ve had bad luck with Molly’s. 4 of my 7 have perished. I have great water levels. A heater. Monthly water changes of 40-50%. My guppies and mixed Glow fish are all thriving. The tank is not planted. What gives?


Can i keep a single black molly to just make them feed and clean algae in the tank of Ram Cichlid and tetras? I will take them out after the algae is cleaned.


You said make sure you're feeding them enough... How many times a day do you feed them? My Dalmatian Molly was being aggressive to my black Molly so I separated them into different tanks. The Dalmatian went crazy and every day he's going up and down the glass swimming back and forth very fast. I'm going to buy two or three females to put in there with him. Do they have to be the same color or can it be any of the colored mollies?


Is it alright to put a breeding tank in the 20 gallon ok. Cuz it keeps trying to push her way through the plexiglass like she is in jail. I just dnt want her fry to all get eaten up. But i have put alot of hiding spots but i have bottom feeders that roam around. Eating leftovers. Think it will be safe to just let her roam with the other fishes. Cuz they all swim deep together. Like a gang lol
