Five Brothers React To Meeting Sister They Dreamed Of

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Five brothers anxiously meet their newborn sibling for the first time - just months after their pure elation at discovering they were getting the sister they dreamed of. Filmed by mom Aubrey Taylor, Kel, aged seven, Tad, 10, Troy, three, and 11-year-old twins Rogan and Ross, stand anxiously waiting to find out whether they will become older brothers to a baby boy or girl. The brothers are joined by their dad, Kimball, at home in Orem, Utah, USA, as they each hold cups containing colored powder - either blue for a boy or pink for a girl. Suddenly they launch the powder into the air and can hardly contain their excitement as reality dawns on them - they are soon to have a baby sister. After months of waiting, the brothers finally get to meet their new sister Shay, and edge into the room to meet her hardly able to contain their excitement.

VideoID: TT-4056

Rights Cleared & Verified: 04/27/2018


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