Types of BEGINNERS taking horse riding lessons 😂 | parody

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I went from being to scared to get on a horse to “WOW I absolutely love horses!” In the span of about half and hour, the magic of riding.


Theodore is such a solid little dude. i hope he got so many pets and praises (and probably a break, honestly) for being the best helper <3


Oh such memories of the various riding students. I was way too polite to try arguing with the trainer about trotting lol. I was afraid I wouldn’t be allowed to be a barn helper if I argued. I think I learned more because of that 😂


"He's as the horse lazily inches forward a couple of steps 😅


i just finished riding my ✨worst lesson ✨ of the year and i looked like a fool ✨i ride for 7 years ✨


Oh my goodness... lesson kids 😂 The most difficult are when siblings are in the lesson together and they're bickering the whole time..
This made me laugh!


No, because the best beginner riders are the younger ones, like really young, they don't say anything and just stare into your soul but they actually are interested in learning - even if their attention span only lasts for about 30 minutes and they grunt at you like little ogres.


My first instructor didn't actually let me get on a horse for the first 2 months. She taught me everything about caring for horses. How to lunge them. Feed and groom them, much stalls and gave me random quizzes about tack, supplements and such. She made my lessons either super early or super late, She said I wouldn't be able to handle a horse from the saddle if I didn't learn to handle it from the ground. in hindsight I think that was very good for me as a beginner rider. It definitely humbled me and showed me all the responsibility and knowledge that actually goes into horse riding. And the tests and lessons didn't stop once I eventually got on the saddle. Everytime I made a mistake she would make me get off the horse and jog the arena. I'm at a new stable now and I watch the beginners come to their lesson with the horse already tacked up. They do their lesson and leave without even taking the horse back to the stall. I find it sad. To them it's as if the horse is a furry bicycle. What's worse is that they show absolutely no interest in learning..


What a sweet boy.
Not everyone is meant to be a horse person.
Honestly I don't have the patience for this. Kudos to the teachers that put up with this. You are saints.


I'm just amazed at the patience of the horses used in these videos..


“Woah he’s bolting, OH MY GOSH!!” Lol


I'm not a lesson instructor or advanced.. but I have to say, those heels hurt me.


I teach lessons. The second one you portrayed- the know it all… My worst nightmare. I am passive aggressive by nature. When they come knowing it all because they rode a pony at the fair, I want to hand them my large, strong, independent, delinquent Warmblood and tell them good luck. I don’t do that, but I won’t lie and say the thought never occurred to me. 😂


I was very much the eager beginner. I already knew how to mount, posture, etc. because I had studied it so much, but I was very apt to learn everything possible. I absorbed literally every word my trainer said 😂


What a beautiful leopard horse!
All your lesson horses are soo patient.


My first lessons in 1971 I was put on a pony in a school and the instructor stood in the center and when it came time to trot he would crack a stock whip at the pony and I would bounce around, then after ten minutes warm up I was put on a lead rope and taken out with the group for an out ride with the mounted instructor leading my pony, and when trotting I would bounce around like a sack of potatoes feeling that I was about to fall off. I never did fall off, until years later a green horse excitedly bucked and unbalanced me. I hit the dirt but held onto the reins as I didn't want to lose the horse as we were in the African bush and the homestead was a long walk away. So I am being dragged along on my belly when a rear unshod hoof struck my head ( no helmet ) that's when I let go the reins. Happy memories.


Thiss is so funny especially the
“Do I hAvE tO rIdE hIm cAn I JuSt pEt hIm”
Or the “Hes gOnNa bItE mE”
Or the “i WaNnA gEt off”
Or the “YoUr a LitTlE tO bIg fOr that”
I’m laughing so hard


So accurate!! XD
The first type is 90% of my students!! I always have to listen to the "He's gonna bite me!!" all the time, even if I tell my students that my horses are friendly 24/7


Me, a student:
I've seen many different types of riders, (As of almost six years of riding...) And I can say that there are soooo many types of beginners. Working with my trainer at a horse camp made me remember I was once one of them, and nothing you do can change that.

Note: The acting was STELLAR


I love how you guys are so dedicated entertain us. I really love that about this channel. You always have someone with you to make your videos that much more amazing- but with or without your friends we will always love you Marina!
