DBFZ - Team Combo 12

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Funny story, I had a weird time trying to get this to kill, cause when I first did it, the combo looked exactly the same besides using 214M~M instead of 214M~L, so when I Vanished, it sent the opponent to the left. Problem was, there wasn't enough hitstun to DR afterwards, so then I took away the 5S after 5H and the DR connected, but then Super Spirit Bomb didn't kill. The only ways I could think for this to kill were either a Level 4 at the end or a DHC Level 2 before a level 3, cause the added damage from Vanish - DR - 214S - ground 236L+M was necessary for it to kill. Turns out all I had to do was swap sides with 214M~L and THEN Vanish, and then the DR would connect normally and it killed with SSB. Killing with that was all that really mattered to me since I have Base Goku on my team at almost all times.