Standing applause as O Canada bill advances to final vote, Anger towards Conservative Party

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A motion to accept the national anthem amendment bill at report stage, which required Mauril Bélanger to be present, carried on a voice vote.

MPs gave a standing ovation for the veteran MP, who was seated in a wheelchair near the Speaker's chair on the floor of the Commons.

Attempts seeking unanimous consent to fast-track the bill, or allow it to stand in another MP's name so Bélanger would not be required to be present if his illness did not allow, were denied by Conservatives.

"Why deny him the opportunity to see the vote take place?" said NDP MP David Christopherson, another friend of Bélanger's. "The Conservatives have a lot to answer for here, and I'm extremely disappointed in my Conservative colleagues."

"It's not about politics now. It's about humanity. It's about decency. It's about respect. So yeah, this one's a little more emotional and personal than usual," he said.
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