Interchange 5th Level 3 Assessment L3 Written Quiz Units 15-16

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Interchange 5th Level 3 Assessment L3 Written Quiz Units 15-16

Quiz audio script
[Track 9]
A Listen to the conversations. Check the correct answers.
DIANA: Hey, Ray. That was quite a party last night!
RAY: Yeah, it was fun! I’m still cleaning up, though.
DIANA: What are you doing with all the bottles and cans?
RAY: I’ll take the cans to the recycling center and throw away
the bottles.
DIANA: Oh, no! You should take the bottles, too.
RAY: Nah, I don’t get any money for recycling glass.
DIANA: No, but I think everyone should be required to recycle
glass anyway. It’s a waste to throw it away!
RAY: Yeah, but recycling centers should be required to pay
people who return cans and bottles. Then they won’t throw
them away!
YOSHI: Hey, Danielle, I saw you biking to work yesterday.
DANIELLE: Oh, yeah, when my car died, I decided to buy a bike. I
figured I could do something about the traffic downtown and
get some exercise at the same time.
YOSHI: But there are very few bike lanes, aren’t there? And in any
case, cars use them!
DANIELLE: I know. Drivers who do that should be fined. A
hundred dollars at least! It’s so dangerous!
YOSHI: Cyclists don’t always behave so well, either. I’ve seen
them ride side by side and not allow cars to pass.
DANIELLE: Yeah, and I’ve seen cyclists without helmets, too.
YOSHI: Yeah, cyclists should be required to wear helmets, and if
they don’t, they should be fined a hundred dollars!
MACY: Hey, Ryan, I didn’t realize you wrote music.
RYAN: Yeah, and I really enjoy performing it with other
musicians. For me, my greatest accomplishment is hearing
other people play my songs.
MACY: That’s exciting! But what’s the most challenging thing
about writing music? Do you ever run out of ideas?
RYAN: No, never! I haven’t managed to publish my music yet
though. Getting attention from music publishers is my biggest
challenge. That’s one reason I perform a lot.
MACY: Oh, it sounds frustrating!
RYAN: It can be. I have been able to make some money from
writing music but I can’t make a living from it yet.
MACY: It sounds like you’ve accomplished a lot already.
BRIAN: Hey, aren’t you a police officer?
SABRINA: Well, I was, but I just quit. Do I know you?
BRIAN: I know you, but you don’t know me! I’m Brian. You
were working one night when I had a car accident. You were
great . . . so helpful!
SABRINA: Thanks! I’m happy to hear that as a police officer, I’ve
managed to help people when they need it most.
BRIAN: So, why did you quit?
SABRINA: Well, I was getting really tired. But the main reason is
that my husband and I plan to move to a warmer area.
BRIAN: Oh, fantastic!
SABRINA: And after we move, I’d like to go back to school
part-time, maybe start a new career eventually.
BRIAN: That’s great. Good luck!

Quiz answer key
1. he doesn’t get any money
2. wants to reduce traffic
3. make a living with his music
4. plans to move
Statements 1, 3, 4, and 7 are true.
1. be issued
2. to be required
3. be allowed
4. be permitted
1. do they
2. can’t it
3. is it
1. will have saved
2. to have lost
3. will have run
1. was able
2. managed
3. haven’t/have not been able
1. overcrowded classrooms
2. inadequate health care
3. resourceful
4. timid
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