The Future of Power

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One of America's leading policy intellectuals Joseph S. Nye, Jr, analyses the dramatic power shifts in an increasingly connected and interdependent global world.

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7:56 Equality in size of an economy does not equal quality in the quality of an economy. That is measured in per capita income.
8:25 Soft power is the ability to effect others to get the things you want by attraction & persuasion > coercion & payments
8:56 CN is limited in its soft power by its authoritarian system, and will not be able to fully develop its soft power until it’s able to relax internally.
11:12 Prevailing in war still matters, but in an Information Age it may matter who’s story wins as much as who’s army wins.
15:10 Big Tech monopolies


We need to focus more on our own country and people within it, those who have to deal with no jobs, no homes, no money, no anything and fix the problems we have caused ourselves rather then focusing on outside forces and what they are doing. Whats more important to us, the success, growth, and learning within our country or trying to maintain the top of useless wars and problems with other countries?


@Archangelista It was all over facebook and twitter? This has to do with the organizing of the demonstrations somehow? Or just a bunch of people talking about the events?
You can't plan an attack(a pacific attack ITC) by letting your target know everything about what's going on via global media.

The book wasn't entirely responsible for everything, but It did play a major role in there.


@tonymanic112 Honestly you don´t know what you are saying. He is talking about the tools to make power, and a crude analysis of what the accumulation of power is today, regarding the USA. He is not a government apologist.
