How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave, w/ Torkil Lauesen

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When most people think of Sweden, or more broadly, the Scandinavian countries, they imagine a more egalitarian and advanced model to which we should aspire. Some assume without investigating that Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Norway, have figured out how to be prosperous “socialist” countries.

But this Swedish model is uglier than it might appear to be, with a brutal history and a dangerous present.

To discuss the imperialism on which Scandinavian living standards are built, Rania Khalek was joined by Torkil Lauesen, a long-time anti-imperialist activist and writer, who spent years in prison for his militant activities as a member of a clandestine Danish communist cell. Torkil is also the author of many books, including “Riding the Wave: Sweden's Integration into the Imperialist World System.”

Listen to Dispatches with Rania Khalek anywhere you get podcasts.

0:00 Intro
1:38 The global perspective
3:38 Scandinavian integration in the imperialist core
9:00 Swedish settlerism
14:43 Sweden, Denmark & the slave trade
19:43 Sweden, Belgium, Congo & Dag Hammarskjöld
25:20 1986 Assassination of Swedish PM Olof Palme
29:03 Formation of the social welfare state
34:06 Racism & national chauvinism
40:40 How social reforms strengthened European imperialism
46:32 What radicalized Torkil into leftist anti-imperialism?
57:26 Global neoliberalism in the last 50 years
1:08:15 The future after covid-19 & Ukraine
1:12:53 End of capitalism?
1:15:57 Opportunity for the revolutionary left?
1:19:58 The Scandinavian military-industrial complex
1:28:34 How to view Russia’s war in Ukraine
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The richer you are the more individualistic. Then not only you don't want to share, you can't understand other people's problems any more. This is true all over Europe.


Living in Sweden, I'm so happy to see the real Scandinavian reality being talked about outside of the Northern countries.


I've lived in both Sweden and Norway, and ever since I've realized that the best thing about the Scandinavian countries, is their PR.


As a native American, I would say this was one of the best show I have seen on you tube. I love the truth .


I would love a discussion between Torkil, Michael Hudson, and Richard Wolff on "corporate welfare vs capitalist welfare" and actual socialism. Interesting distinctions and definitions


Dang a fellow Scandinavian bashing us that's awesome, here in Sweden we need a lecture for sure


As I've always said "For the few to have so much, the many must continue to have very little "


Very refreshing Rania to have Torkil Lausen on the channel, "airing" from Lebanon. He is a true idealist and a treasure trove when it comes to the truths, they do not want you to know about, even in Scandinavia. You do not hear much about him here in Denmark, because the Left, as represented in the past by Anker Jørgensen, Jens Otto Krag, has been slowly vanishing and it is not trendy anymore (in Scandinavia) to think in terms of social inequality or workers rights. The Danish Caribbean Islands (Today US Virgin Islands) were sold to USA in 1917 for $ 25.000.000, -).


That was a fantastic interview. Thank you and thanks Mr. Lauesen for taking the time and for your insight.


Oh and what is not really pointed out in this interview. Is the Sovereign Funds of the Nordic and Scandinavian countries. The Sovereign Funds of both are based on predatory imperialist multinational businesses of those countries. Who get the backing of the Governments of those countries. Such as Fracked Gas mining, illegal in those countries, but doing it in the Global South, is A OK. Or Nestle going around the Global South to buy up water rights. Which Nestle is now also doing the same in North America. With cooperation of the local, state, and federal governments. Just 2 examples of imperialist actions, out of hundreds done. And the sovereign funds are what bank rolls the welfare states of both.


Thank you both so much for the conversation - informative and intelligent.


Thanks a lot for the interesting interview. I found it just wonderful to see how Rania gave Torkil the time he needed to formulate his thoughts in English, never seen that anywhhere else. And as a Danish person I learned a lot about my own country. Great work!


What brilliant interview, Torkil really clarified
The reasons and need for collaboration between socialists for the three-some Economic, ecological, and nationalist set of contradictions.
I live in Sweden and recognize what Torkil has said about Sweden and it’s absurd present neo nationalist so called Social Democratic Government.
I don’t think that Swedes have a mass media that is prepared to critically understand the fact that the USA/UK need a War in order to
Develop their War Industries, and also want to exploit the huge natural resources of Russia.
The major problem is that the US Oligarchs was continuous war. But the Russian Military
will defeat the US and the European populations will not accept the U.S. dominance. The present EU leaders are now regarded as buffoon’s who have almost destroyed EU independence and it development. This is another contradiction -
The fact that many Europeans do not want a U.S./UK dominance and have a preference for future collaboration with Russia and z China. Europe is after all geographically
Near and connected to Asia.
Thanks for your engaging and always. Informative program!


Also the Netherlands was a Colonial Power via the Dutch East India Company, having their own military, hiring privateers, and mercenaries.


Denmark is no longer socialist. But only the people in the button has noticed, because the media tells them that it is far to socialist.


I really appreciated this talk, but his points about the Middle East really strike me as like those leftists who criticize the Palestinian resistance by simply disappearing the praxis and outlook of groups which are not left wing or deemed insufficiently so. Same with Lebanon, where whatever you think about Hezbollah they fought a war against Israel in 2005 and won! How’s that for ideology informing practice in order to make progressive gains?


with the productivity of labor so high now, imperialism is not needed to have social welfare. we gave ukraine more last week than it would take to eliminate homelessness in usa. it is the super yachts, private jets and enormous mansions that take up the money. oligarchs always want more no matter how much they have.


Rania has some of the best guests over. One can learn so damn much.


Welfare makes it more bearable to be a slave for the rich. And thus it secures the peace. People don't mind being slaves as long as others has it worse.


Great work, Rania. Greetings from Denmark, the tiny vulture state. ;)
