Part01- Jquery DataTable with CodeIgniter Using Server Side Processing
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Using server side processing is great when you have huge database. DataTables provide an efficient way to handle this situations, but integrating server side processing is a bit tricky. This tutorial is a step-by-step integration of famous Jquery Datatable with CodeIgniter.
This is Part-01 of the tutorial, here we will simply intergrate the datatable with codeigniter, but we do face some issues like sorting and searching, we will address those issues in Part-02 and Part-03 of the series.
This is Part-01 of the tutorial, here we will simply intergrate the datatable with codeigniter, but we do face some issues like sorting and searching, we will address those issues in Part-02 and Part-03 of the series.
Part01- Jquery DataTable with CodeIgniter Using Server Side Processing
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