A to Z for employees | Social security number | Sozialversicherungsnummer #HalloGermany
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The most important German terminology for employees to master bureaucracy in Germany.
This week's term:
In English: Social security number, social security contributions, pension insurance.
In German: Sozialversicherung, Sozialversicherungsnummer, DRV, Rentenversicherung, SV, RV, SVNR, RVNR.
Any questions or feedback? Leave us a comment! #hallogermany
This week's term:
In English: Social security number, social security contributions, pension insurance.
In German: Sozialversicherung, Sozialversicherungsnummer, DRV, Rentenversicherung, SV, RV, SVNR, RVNR.
Any questions or feedback? Leave us a comment! #hallogermany
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