What Tools Do You Actually Need For Wood Carving?

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Tools! Chisels! Knives! Which ones do you need to carve wood and should you think about it a lot before you get started?

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#woodcarving #carvingknife
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Which tools did you first start carving with? (for me it was bench chisels, which I still use sometimes)


Great advice. Especially for someone like myself, who likes to flood my brain with information before starting anything. I've definitely bought some tools over the years that I probably could have done without, but when I actually find a spot that I need them, we'll there you go. Finally, I want to say, the best part of the whole video, is the fact that you keep cracking up while you're talking. Cheers, from Wisconsin US.


New to your channel and like what I see. The old saying goes. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Great video, I'm watching from Maine if you're curious.


Excellent vid Clint. Do what you can with what you've got and persevere - perfect makers' philosophy. I love it. Cheers mate.


Glad to see another video, don't do much carving anymore... guess that's not entirely true. I do shape handles for tools and fishing nets by carving. How's the stream been? Hope all is well


Yeah, if I had to tell someone what tools I would rebuy and in what order, it would be 1) a sloyd knife, 2) the box of 6 palm chisels I got from Pfeil for like $60 USD, and 3) the $30 USD set of Woodriver detail knives I bought. I use those tools most of all and am just now getting some more specific tools.


Good advice Clint, Same as any hobby mate its not always nessessary to buy lots of tools etc to get started .A wood turner called Al Furtado did most of his turnings of vases and hollow forms with just one or two cheap or home made tools and produced some amazing looking pieces. I'm a bit of, or used to be before I retired a skip scavenger, and at work one day when having a good old rummage about in one of the skips on the site, came across a cardboard box with what looks like carving tools and they have been sitting in my shed all this time, can I email a photo some time so you can have a look and tell me what you think?
Cheers mate Bram


200 mix of Swiss made, two cherry, Marple, Narex, and a dozen beginner chisels mix. Don't buy shit, straight up best. Why! if you struggle with tool, you will soon lose interest. I would say, I use standed 12 chisels. Pfeil, two cherry, love two cherry, just learning. Keep tool sharp strop all the time. cheers
