Why ClownPierce Is Getting Worse At PvP...

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Why ClownPierce Is Getting Worse At PvP...

Thanks for watching gang!
Love y'all!

The goal of this video was mainly to address the unjustified stigma that has been floating around ClownPierce as of late; in efforts to teach others the reality of the situation.

Special thanks to:
Thank you all for answering my questions!
All the experts consulted mostly agreed on everything, but I only showed specific parts of their explanations and spread them out throughout the video to make it easier to understand.
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I think my guy Clown is actually tryna have a life.


Clown wasn't great at pvp outside of lifesteal kit, which is why he struggled against squid with the use of shields. He got better. Then he got a girlfriend and a new house, seems like dude just wants a life.


Dude just wants a life. He doesn’t want to spend his life grinding Minecraft for his entire life. He has the best life out of all of them. He has a gf and now a new house. Huge respect to him


He isnt getting worse, others are getting better.


the ironic part about videos like these is that he is literally in the best form he has even been in right now. 2024 clown would obliterate 2021 clown easy.


Fun Fact, He was never called “The Deadliest Minecraft Player” In the beginning. He was originally called “The Deadliest Player Of The Lifesteal SMP” People just made it shorter.


I believe in ClownPierce, and I think he is getting better by the day


clown also went on a vacation before season 4 of lifesteal and didnt train for a couple of months so that might be a reason..


ClownPierce Is NOT getting worse at PvP. He's instead getting better its just others are getting better too. He also doesn't grind pvp alot.


Clown is only the deadliest player because he never give up


Clown never got worse he might just be tired of playing minecraft, just let him have a normal life, he got a girlfriend and a new house. JUST LET HIM BE HIMSELF AND STOP HATING HIM


It's funny that people in the comments seem to have not watched the video considering their comments about Clown being worse than he used to be in terms of his personal skill lol.

As you said, Clown has actually been improving his personal pvp skill, especially during late 2023 and 2024 by practicing more with highly ranked tierlist players such as Spawnplayer (former HT1, the top rank in the world) for the SMP kit and FerreMC (who has also held numerous very high ranks in the past, focusing on SMP and UHC which are the most relevant tierlist kits to regular survival servers that don't allow Crystal or Cart PVP) more generally.

However, the people he used to fight the most were significantly worse than him because the general level of pvp skill in Minecraft, especially Minecraft Youtuber communities, was far lower than it is today. His improvements have simply not been enough to maintain the skill gap, and that's not surprising considering that mechanically, it is literally impossible to win a 35v2 if you're fighting half decent players because half decent players don't quickdrop and mathematically will overwhelm you through sheer resources (as your armour and potions and food will break/run out before their combined total does).

Clown's personal skill and ability has actually improved, especially recently because of his training with highly ranked tierlist players. But everyone else got better as well, and of those who trained harder and became better than or on par with Clown, who are many, a few went on to become major YouTubers like FlameFrags and Sharpness. But, it is worth saying that Clown, in terms of raw PVP skill, is still one of the best players on Lifesteal and even within the tierlist, is a better performing player than the vast majority of people. Not to mention that SMPs depend on more than just raw PVP skill, they also depend on strategy and awareness of connections between people and knowing when to tell the truth, and how much of it to tell, to advance your goals. And as Clown is focused on SMPs, this makes sense, as he doesn't need to exclusively rely on pvp skill to achieve victory for his aims. That being said, especially in S6, Clown has been demonstrating very openly that he's been getting better (and it's been a rapid improvement: looking at how he fought FlameFrags and how he's been fighting on Lifesteal during S6, compared to when he first fought the Server Assassin several months ago on Friend or Foe, he has very clearly improved significantly).

I mean, I did not expect him to do so well against FlameFrags in their 1v1, I'll be honest. It was way closer than I was expecting, and that's not from me overestimating Flame, but from underestimating Clown because I hadn't realised how much he'd been improving.


He's busy being the DEADLIEST parkour villain


Look guys
I believe clown is someday gonna make the biggest comeback in history


Clown is not getting worse, he has a real life so obviously he wouldn't spend all his hime training PvP and also Clown is the reason why all these players got better at PvP because they were inspired by Clown. Clown is not bad by any means, i mean he almost killed FlameFrags in his 1v1 video he can definetly stand his ground and PvP was popularized by Clown. Clown got better than before and the reason why people think Clown has gotten worse because he loses outnumbered fights.


he hasnt been playing minecraft as much recently as on lifesteal he has been called the least active player and sb on his most recent friend or foe episode has said stuff about him doing stuff irl


Because he's the parkour villain not the pvp villain


The fact that a pig behind him while he explains like something always remind me a legend rn in Minecraft that legend is always just listening


its not really that he's getting 'worse', there was a time period where he was, but now he's getting pretty good again.

The issue isn't that he's bad, its that he's not an untouchable god and he never was. its something i've came to know as "the technoblade effect" someone is popular while having an incredibly high skill gap between them and most other people, but the skill gap cannot be maintained. It happened to technoblade, dream, sharpness and it happens to EVERYONE who gets popular from pvp.

Flame and squid are correct, clownpierce is probably better than ever, its just other pvpers who happen to be on his level make him seem worse than he is.

I actually have a real world example of this from a few years ago that i'd like to share:

In school, i was really good at badminton (pre covid), every gym/P.E class, i'd be able to beat multiple people at once and it made me seem like I was INCREDIBLE. I alos did badminton outside of school; when i went against others on my level or even better, it looked a lot less impressive. my skill didn't change, the circumstances did.

And thats essentially what has happened to clownpierce. He isn't worse than he was, he's worse than people think he was. People thought he was the best without question, and now others on his skill level are there, so even if his skill level only INCREASED, people can't just decide he's the best in the world without question anymore.

TLDR: ClownPierce simply cannot live up to the expectations that people set for him, its nothing against him, nobody could live up to those expectations, he's human, an immensely skilled human, sure, but a human cannot be the "best" at something forever.


Also another note:
PVP is always evolving. One player can't always be the best. It takes time to learn new skills, which is possible but some people have lives and at a point MC PVP isn't their life anymore.
At one point Technoblade is known as the best, another point ClownPierce is, now, maybe Flamefrags.
I believe Technoblade said this but the best player is probably never gonna be known because they aren't some big YouTuber, just someone playing the game everyday.
Plus from some other people, Clown isn't as active anymore, he doesn't play as much as he used to and has a life outside of PVP.
