FREE LEGENDARY in COD Mobile but...😓

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FREE LEGENDARY in COD Mobile but...😓

#CODM, #CODMobile, #CallofDutyMobile

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Рекомендации по теме

How many Legendary Medals and Confidential Tokens do you have?😊


That is me.
Left CODM for several months and now I am missing 1 legendary token(including current season)


People who neglected ranked matches. ( Even me neglected)
👇. Thx for 2k + likes 🌟


bro but the lobby gonna be smurking with it


Just go back to using Ferg so he can react to dem more cause bobby doesn't care


If everybody has it, it ain't no legendary no more it should be some kind of selectable multiple skins 💀


And remembering the sbmm system activison put on codm, player will have to struggle a lot to even reach legendary😔


Just remember, Legendary and Mythic guns are like any other gun, they don't increase your performance they just increased the guns, even then you have to keep up. Whether or not you have a legendary/mythic weapon means nothing, you can still be torn apart by someone with a higher skill level than you or by a veteran player. Skins mean nothing, just make things look cool.


Activision convincing us to play codwm


I'm that player😭, started codm after two season of this crate lanched


I got free Holger legendary and now the DRH!
Too much fun! 😆


This is exactly why I’m tryna grind form master V to legendary 29 hours a day now 😭💀


I am a new player and started playing cod from August 2023 (although I played codm before like in 2020 and 2021 I lost my old acc) and I have 2 confidential token and 1 legendary medal even though I am in legendary and I had been in legendary the previous season.


I hope the La Sous Terre crate is not a disappointment after grinding



*"Left Codm 6-7 months."*


I've put my blood and sweat into br and mp. I'll be getting the gun, so I'm not worried.


Ranked suddenly got more serious in garena every GM Fighting for their life in SnD,
Lucky I got all the tokens before this season


I didn't try Legendary in MP previous season, and now i have only 3 tokens😢 i'll miss the crate by only 1 token🤧


I had beem grinding legendary in BR and MP from S1 2023 till now, already got the requirements and still going


Thank god I somehow managed to keep up with the quest for the crate, I even installed and uninstalled codm so many times just to come back and check if anything is new and play some ranked not knowing what's in the kurohana crate🙂. Lucky me new season I can finally own a permanent legendary skin🎉
