Math: Properties of Addition; Commutative vs. Associative

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Short video with transcript showing an example each of commutative and associative properties, each with a mnemonic.
Transcript Below:

The math lesson today is on the Properties of Addition- the differences between the Commutative and Associative Properties of Addition.

You will notice that there is a reason I have wheels on the Commutative Property and a little face sitting there waiting at the Associative - a friendly face you might even imagine...

Now you'll notice that I colored the 3 and 4 in this case, and the 4 and the 3. When the 3 "leaves home it drives" to a new location, but it is still a value of 3, even if it's not in the first position anymore. Same for the 4; it also drives to a new position in its little car... and drives over to this new position. Now it's first!

But, that doesn't change the answer; 3 +4 = 7, and 4 + 3 = 7. The difference, this is Commutative. You'll notice, it's because the values commute, just like you might do in the morning, from home to school.

Now, on the bottom, we have no changing colors, no changing numbers, because it's not the numbers that move or change! What changes is "with whom the friends choose to hang out". In this first value, we'll say that 1 + 2, 1 and 2 are friends, and so they associate with each other, like friends do.

In the second case, we'll say that 2 + 3 happen to be buddies, so that 2 will hang out with 3 first when they go to play. And, so they are associating with each other.

In this first case, we see that 1 + 2 = 3, plus the 3 we already had. 3 + 3 = 6.

In the second case, we see that 2 + 3 = 5, bringing down the 1 we have not yet accompanied, we have 1 + 5; again 6.

So we have proven that no matter with which value the 2 associates first, the [sum] value will be coming to 6 either way. This [is] the Associative Property, because of with whom the 2 associates.

This is the Commutative Property because the values commute.

Thank you very much for today's lesson on Properties of Addition - Commutative versus Associative.

Now I imagine the decorations make a little bit more sense!

Thank you.
Рекомендации по теме

can we all just take a minute to appreciate the fact that when she started explaining things she put on some 80's elevator music


Thank you for such a brief, straight to the point explanation. I was confused about the differences but your video really sorted things out ^u^


I love the way you explained it! That's awesome.


The pictures and relatability help more than you would think!


. I was confused but once you explained it, I got it.. Thank you for taking the time to make the video


Thank you SOOOO much! I was looking to understand and you kept it very simple and did it in a way that people can relate to. Thank you again :0)


This was such a nice & cute explanation, thank you !


Thank you so much you explain it in a way that is easier to remember


This was great! Very easy to understand. Thanks for sharing.


the problem I am having is that in my head I can't get past that 1+2+3 = 1+3+2
so I keep making the mistake of saying (1+2)+3 = 1+(2+3) is commutative because really you can switch any of those numbers and get the same freaking answer.

WHY even differentiate in addition when in the end it's always going to be the same?

I can understand if it's multiplication but there really is no need for this sort of thing with addition. or am I wrong?


This is possibly the easiest way to provide an analogy of why these are different (yet the same). I couldn't get it through my head until you explained the Moving around vs being buddy buddy. Makes 100% more sense, even though this whole thing is kinda pointless, hahahah.


This is gonna help me so much in my math test.thank you so much


Its so easy that its confusing lol, I don't understand why these people who make up these math terms have to make things a bit more confusing. Just say that they both switch around numbers in different ways.


Excellent!! Thank you so much for this!


Very informative. sticks to the mind.


nice video - helped me a lot with homework


Thank you, I was having trouble with this ♡♡🐰


Thanks for this! I have yet to pass my math proficiency test, and need my high school diploma to do so. It's the only thing I'm missing. Anyway, this always confused me, the difference between the properties. So thanks again!


so like in associative property it must includes parenthesis? if It does not includes parenthesis it will be commutative property? in other words the difference between these two are the parenthesis?


Hello this is her fifth grade student she is no longer alive rest in peace we will remember her video
