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If you want to activate your brain then try out these 10 tricky riddles! Start your day with a brain workout to concentrate and stay focused on important tasks. Solving riddles is a great way to improve your logic and intelligence. These puzzles and brain games are pretty simple but only for those who have a high IQ score! Try these brainteasers out and share your answers to the most difficult ones.

00:14 - A fun logo quiz to test your memory and attentiveness (and your brand loyalty😃)! Challenge your eyes and brain and try to crack each puzzle. If you feel you're running short of time, pause the video, relax and try to imagine what this logo looks like. How many of them have you solved?
02:54 - If you are smart and brave enough, you will easily find your way through the magic garden! You just need to be a quick-thinker and consider even the craziest ideas that come up to you. So use all your imagination to find the way out of the garden and you will survive! A tricky riddle with an answer for experienced adventurers!
04:20 - Who could commit this terrible crime? They were having such a nice day at the campsite... Now you will have to carefully question and search the suspects without throwing a scare. The faster you solve this crime riddle, the less stress their friends will have. So, Detective, hurry up, you have not so much time to solve this case!
05:20 - A cosmic trivia quiz to WOW your brain and expand your horizons. Chill our brain and travel to the borders of the Universe and back! This is a cool two-minutes brainteaser that will change your whole world!
07:10 - A difficult riddle where you will have to make your choice and decide who will survive and who goes down. How would you decide this? Will you save the weakest one, or the youngest one, or the closest person to you? What will you do? Tell me in the comments!
08:20 - Hey, friend, now you're trapped and no one's going to help you😈 Your only slight chance to survive is taking a pill, but which one? Well, I will give you some time to crack my ingenious logical riddle, that would be fair. Use your logic to guess which pill will save your life. Time is starting now!
09:32 - A tricky picture puzzle that will make you face the hardest choice ever! But don't get upset; there a brilliant solution can be found, you need just to control your emotions and think outside the box. Which is the best way to save the situation?
10:16 - I want to play a game😈A deadly game where you will have to choose the less evil. Only your logic will help you make the only right choice and survive, so think carefully; I won't give you any hints! Are you ready to struggle for your life?

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS who would you save first, your sister or your father? Why?


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08:02 - Who would you save? I want to say the millionaire.... but I'm not sure...


Who’s reading through the comments while watching the vid??👍😂


i dont hav a sis or a dad so i would save the shark


Be cleaver,
But dont to cleaver .

Be famous
But don't to famous

United we stand,
Divided we fall.


For the last riddle, you can escape unharmed by tipping over the acid bucket and let the substance pour out and pick up the key. Just make sure you wear shoes though.


10:31 I could help him right so I would let him choose the acid I AM a rock so I can get the key


I Love my Sister and father very much and Idek Who to choose.


Hi i love riddles and i am god of school


2:52 you could befriend the monster you know because who said you couldn't


7:36 Humans can also swim. And, not all dogs can.


Oh yay! First time being early! But btw keep up the great work with the amazing riddles! They good to get my mind thinking! And I have tricked people with these riddles too!


My dads new wife. Also I don’t have a sister or a dad. But I’d save my dad ❤️


Well, I would grab and extinguisher and extinguish the fire, then i'll send a rescue squad to rescue my sister.


Published four minutes ago, and already 64 views


10:12 uhm, This doesn’t make any sense. If he can save his father on his own, then he can save his sister as well. Secondly, the father is stronger than his sister (well I hope he is, he’s a grown man and she’s a child). Thirdly, the father is much heavier than the little girl and if there was someone who needed help, then it would be the boy, to save his father (as he is heavier than his sister).


The last one I would save my father because I don’t have a sisters


For the thumbnail i would suck up the water to put out the fire making it so that the shark couldnt get my sister cause it wouldnt be able to breathe
