3 Major Capabilities of Sparx EA and Jira Integration | Prolaborate | 2020

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Experience seamless integration of real-time modeling information and Jira items in a single view. With Prolaborate, you can connect processes, applications, epics, user stories, and more effortlessly.

Key Capabilities:

Single Source of Truth
Create end-to-end links between EA models and Jira projects. This integration allows modelers to easily reference stories, tasks, and issues, while Jira users can access EA models, eliminating the need for unproductive manual publishing methods.

Single Management View
Consolidate all modeling and project information into a single dashboard, providing stakeholders with a comprehensive overview without the need to switch between apps.

Create and Link Jira Items
Effortlessly create Jira stories or tasks while reviewing requirements or use-cases. Prolaborate allows you to create and link Jira items on the go.

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