10 Top Technologies You MUST Learn In 2023 - Upcoming Technologies That Will Change the Game!

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In this video, we're going to list the top 10 technologies to learn in 2023. These technologies will be trending and will be in high demand in the next decade.

Technology is always changing and evolving, which means that it's important to stay up to date on the latest trends and technologies. In this video, we're going to share with you the top 10 technologies that you need to know in 2023. From artificial intelligence to blockchain technology, these technologies will be in high demand in the next decade!

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#TopTechnologiesYouMUSTLearnIn2023 #tiffintech
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A great list, but all those mentioned need to be secured, otherwise it will be a total chaos xD, so cybersecurity is what you missed .


This is the list:

1. Natural Language Processing / AI
2. Augmented Reality
3. Big Data Analytics
4. Internet of Things (IoT)
5. Blockchain
6. Cloud Computing
7. Machine Learning / Neural Networks
8. Quantum Computing
9. Robotics / Robots
10. ???

Which one did I miss? Or are there only 9?


Hey Tiff, I'm also coming from the past . . . sorta. I've been using linux since I was single digits years old, building websites since the early geocities days, and writing perl scripts late into the weekend nights hopped up on jolt cola, cruising the 2600 IRC chat servers way way back. I took a long hiatus from coding once I discovered girls were actually pretty cool and the sun was only harmful when I stared at it. I've been getting back into it a lot lately as old friends of mine who never stopped have now become senior software engineers and are buying second vacation homes, while I'm still living tip-to-tip in my studio apartment bartending for people who are emotional vampires. Thanks to your videos I'm starting to pick up freelance work from friends in the industry and am close to having a real shot at a permanent career track so I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you do and don't ever change! :- )


Awesome video, Tiff 🤩. I really love your work 👏. There are so many technologies that could be talked about here. From the business and design side of tech, project management, business analytics, and UX/UI tools fascinate me. That said, I completely agree with your list💯%.

I would still argue that even with the rise of AI, there's a lot of value to be gained from learning a programming language or gaining skills from mastering the use of technical, business, and/or creative tools. I know people can create things in a jiffy now with AI tools. But it's still an amazing feeling to create something from scratch. I guess it's like learning a language. It's more magical when it comes from someones lips than from the speaker on your cellphone 😅. But that's just my own, perhaps old-fashioned opinion.

Thanks for all your amazing videos 🙏

Kia ora (hello) from Aotearoa (New Zealand) 🐑🥝🏉Kia kaha (stay strong/healthy)


You are such a good teacher. Thanks for this and all videos. Your videos are very useful for IT students. I'm very big fan of you 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


You better than most tutors that teach absolute nothing in classes


As tech is growing online, the demand for cyber security is also very important. There should be a trend to ask young students to move forward towards cyber security and computer science degrees like they are going towards medical and engineering. They should learn the cyber security course online.


This is the list:

(Note to self - Upcoming Tech.)
00:54 1. Natural Language Processing / AI:
01:54 Courses for NLP
02:04 Python

02:18 2. Augmented Reality
03:20 AR in Shopping Experiences

03:54 3. Big Data Analytics
04:28 Examples (Identity Theft)

04:42 4. Internet of Things (IoT)
05:44 5. Blockchain
06:10 Crypto, HealthCare, Identity Theft
06:26 6. Cloud Computing
06:44 Examples: Delivery of services
07:28 Google Docs | Microsoft365

08:18 7. Machine Learning / Neural Networks
08:44 Statistical Tech.
09:18 NeuroNetworks

09:38 8. Quantum Computing
11:30 9. Robotics / Robots
13:20 End of list
10. ??? <CyberSecurity - per pinned comment>
Not mentioned:
- CyberSecurity: Per follow-up comment, this would have been #10, but left out mistakenly due to issues with filming.


already doing some of this stuff so at least some what up to date


Waited For This Vid Thanks Tiff Have a Great day


Masters or phd necessary required to get a machine learning job?
Pls I need an answer


As always great insight in what's coming! Brava!


please tell me Mastering dsa in the current era is necessary? or am I wasting time in mastering it?


Tiff are you ok?? so i have a doubt, i dont know if i should study computer engineering or data science ?? at the university I study after a year and a half I can choose the course !! which area do you find most interesting ?? why ??


Hi, I'm from São Paulo! Tecnologias! São extraordinárias!!!


Hey Tiff
Thanks for the video ma'am 😊❤️


Hey mam to become a Ai and Ml engineer data science skill is needed or not?


To understand Quantum Computer, listen to Machio Kaku.


"I'm coming to you from the future" - 😂 - Greetings from Venezuela!


I thought tiff was going to be a bit stiff... but she's really jolly in nature...
