Oracle EBS GL Account Master Data Management(MDM)

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This is a demo of Triniti's GL Account Master data management also known as Triniti’s GL Account MDM for Oracle E-Business Suite.

It is part of Triniti's multi-domain MDM and provides industry-leading governance.

As part of the installation, all the Flexfield structures will automatically be loaded, and will have predefined workflows based on Qualifiers (such as accounting, cost center, balancing segment etc.) for each segment.

This demo has automatically configured itself with the structures for the Vision demo database.

In this demo, you can see the parent, ranges, and children drawn in a Hierarchy.

All we need to do is, drag and drop the account node onto the canvas and provide the details.

Based on the Account classification, an e-mail will be sent to the respective manager with all the details needed to either approve or reject the request for an account.

Triniti MDM will validate in real time with Oracle General Ledger to ensure there are no errors.

Inheritance rules copy account type and classification automatically from the parent.

Approval emails have been configured based on classification type.

The email has all the information that the approver needs to either approve or reject the request.

With Triniti GL Account MDM you can also create new child values for an existing parent value.

You can also enable and disable existing values.

Triniti MDM for GL Account also comes with GL 360-degree reports where we can see the complete data for all structures and all ledgers including, code combinations, transactions and account balances for all ledgers. It also has a comprehensive audit report for added compliance and traceability.

Additionally, Triniti GL account MDM comes with a dashboard to display show stoppers for Period Close.

Triniti GL Account MDM is a configurable MDM with the ability to define workflows, approvals that fit your business. While it comes with the minimum required attributes, you can add more attributes and use them for rules to route your workflows and govern your GL master data.
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