Woman With Gift Of Healing Says 90% Of ALL Disease Is Cause By This One Thing!

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Woman With Gift Of Healing Says 90% Of ALL Disease Is Cause By This One Thing!

Cheryl Scrivner, wife of the late Evanglist Thurman Scrivner, has continued on her husband's legacy, one of which includes healing the sick. She and Thurman have always stood firm on the notion that 90% of all disease is caused by one thing. You'll want to stick around to know what that one this is, as well as how YOU can get healed TODAY!


- Physical Address for Church: 7417 Faith Ln, Argyle, TX 76226-4467 Church Services: 2 PM on Sunday, with prayer following & 2nd Saturday of the Month Healing School 1-5 PM, with prayer following.

NOTE: All media for THE LIVING SAVIOR MINISTRIES is free & postage paid, as the LORD spoke to Thurman to give everything away. We have CDs, DVDs, books, healing bookmarks, Psalm 91 cards & written materials with prayers, healing scriptures, Statements of the Believer, etc.

Woman With Gift Of Healing Says 90% Of ALL Disease Is Cause By This One Thing!

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Woman With Gift Of Healing Says 90% Of ALL Disease Is Cause By This One Thing!
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Love this channel but... Something doesn't feel right about this one.
BTW, My wife prays for herself and God answers. Sure I'm her head but where in the Bible can she not talk to God about herself? We come into the world alone and leave on our own. Right?


JENNIFER you need to have her come back on your show. Because I would like to ask her some questions and I'm sure others do too. This is very needed teaching


This is so powerful and amazing I have to listen to it again to absorb everything she said! Just so powerful and detailed, thank u Cheryl and Jennifer for this amazing testimony and this platform!❤


So much information in one video. Thank you both!


This lady reeks of New Age. What are we doing here?


Did anyone jot down all the Bible verses?


All we need to do is FORGIVE ..to be totally healed.. I do repent & FORGIVE..all who have hurt me & in JESUS name i receive total healing ..for me & my family....❤


too much unbiblical bull for me to swallow. Wives can never pray for themselves, only their husbands!!?? Give me a break.


My husband just received deliverance from listening to this testimony. He prayed while listening and God delivered


WE can do nothing. Not in ourselves. It is JESUS CHRIST. He is the one that heals, delivers and sets people free. He may use us to do these things but it is not us, we must not take the glory from God. He is our everything and we are nothing without him.


I absolutely love this channel and content, but have to completely disagree with this woman's idea of a wife not being able to pray for herself. My relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Father GOD is personal! I pray for myself and GOD has NEVER reprimanded me. In fact the Holy Spirit reminded me that Hannah prayed directly to Father GOD and he answered her prayer even though she was married. I would like Scripture where we are NOT supposed to pray to GOD. This doesn't sit well in my Spirit, not one bit.


The enemy hates it, when people stand and pray in faith. Praise God!!!


That's not biblical - u as a woman can go directly to God in the name of Jesus.


I love this channel but I’m pretty sure “Conversations with God” is New Age!!! As believers we have to be careful- New Age teachings are very deceptive and may seem godly at first but we have to check everything to see if it is Scriptural and capitol “G” Godly! The enemy draws us in with just enough truth to make New Age teachings seem harmless- but they are Not of course!


Great advice from this- Repent, repent, repent, and stand on God's word, plus have NO UNFORGIVENESS!! God help us all!!!


Women can not pray for themselves? Scripture says, “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
That preeminence of men idea was an error in the Charismatic movement in the 70’s and 80’s.
No disrespect, but hearing her say this made her lose credibility for me, imo.


Women, God wants to hear your prayers. He is a personal God. He does not require a man (husband or pastor) to pray for you in your place. There is nothing in the Bible that says that. Over and over again, we are commanded to pray. The Word says to “let our requests be made known to God”, “build yourselves up in your most holy faith (through prayer), “cast all your anxieties on Him”. Jesus told parables about persistence in prayer (the WOMAN with the unjust judge for one example). I could go on and on, but nothing in the Bible says these scriptures apply to men alone. If you could not pray for yourself, that takes a very personal and intimate element out of your relationship with God. It’s almost idolatry to say that only a man can pray for a woman. What?! There is only one mediator between God and man (if you look up the Greek, the word “man” means humankind, not just the male gender) - that person is JESUS CHRIST ALONE.


Where in the Bible does it specifically speak about wives not praying forthemselves? Never heard that before and can't find it worded like that in the Bible.


This is my 4 th time watching, I’m writing down all the scriptures this time and the self love words to say !
🔑this is the proof that when God puts people together look how beautiful they were as a couple, She was built for that life with him ❤


She mentioned a book, Conversations with God. That is a New Age book and not at all Christian, FYI.
