Leon Bailey Chant

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Leon Bailey's latest Aston Villa song based on Shakira's World cup song Waka Waka.

The Jamaican started his European career at Genk and went on to win the Belgian Young Footballer of the Year award.

Leon Bailey joined Aston Villa from Bayern Leverkusen where he was the third fastest sprinter ever recorded in the Bundesliga.
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Hypocrites and parasites within International football, cannot fathom and accept how good *Leon Bailey* is, hence why they tried to suppress him by deliberately benching him at both *Genk* and *Leverkusen* thou never had anyone better than him, even to this day. The *Balla* is also hated by his own incompetent Federation a yard and would do just about anything in making sure he doesn't become a worldwide success, which also makes the *Nanobots* job easier now in hurting him further, hence all these Mysterious and unexplained injuries all of sudden since arriving at Aston Villa...Jah RastafarI!
These fans need to defend his health by singing also there disgust of how unfairly he is been treated...Jah RastafarI!..


Tsamina Mina eh eh Leon Bailey eh eh tsamina he’s a winger he’s from Jamaica


You got the lyrics wrong. It's: "nommy nommy nom way-hey, Leon bailey yay o yay, nommy nommy nom he's the winger, he's from Jamaica..." Repeat. Good try though.
