forEach is BAD! for Async Await Code | Advanced Async/Await Javascript Tutorial
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🚀 This tutorial is part of an Advanced Javascript Concepts tutorial series playlist:
Async Await with forEach is BAD! | Advanced Async/Await Javascript Tutorial
(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome and Intro
(00:22) forEach - What's it good for?
(02:34) Async fetch request example
(03:51) forEach with Async Await is BAD
(07:33) Alternative #1: traditional for loop
(09:39) Alternative #2: for...of loop
(14:01) Alternative #4: A different reduce
📚 References:
MDN forEach:
MDN for...of:
MDN PromiseAll:
MDN reduce:
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#foreach #async #await
forEach is BAD! for Async Await Code | Advanced Async/Await Javascript Tutorial
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