Chronic Pain Rehab: Keegan's Story

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We know chronic pain doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t care about race, age, or anything else for the matter, so where are all the men in pain?

We have worked with so many women in pain over the years, but really not that many men.

There definitely are some big differences between how those of different genders and sex deal with pain, and very rarely do we ever get Men reaching out for help.

So, when Keegan first got in touch with me, it was great to help another guy and its been a pleasure to watch Keegan reach his goal of being an active Father, without any payback from just living his life.

Likewise, Keegan's entire programme was conducted over zoom, with Keegan in America, and myself in Scotland.

So, its been a fantastic journey being able to help someone in the sense that distance wasn't an issue.

Hats off to you Keegan, it has been a journey.
Well done my friend, and I wish you luck in all that you do.
Fibro Guy Jonny

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Would you mind sharing if it affected your digestive system and if so, how? My body is in freeze mode and I'm trying to figure out how to get it out.
