An Agile Approach to Cloud Adoption

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AWS Public Sector Summit 2018 - Washington, D.C.
Does this scenario sound familiar? You have taken on a project that can solve a core challenge that can provide measurable value to your business. It's an exciting opportunity to learn and grow, but that excitement quickly turns to anxiety as you are confronted with a list of unknowns and questions. Answering these questions, if they ever get solved completely, can be done in a myriad of ways. As new projects and challenges come along, the same questions and anxieties surface. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Analysis paralysis leads to projects getting forced on to legacy architectures, deliver results that are "good enough", or stop projects before they get started. This session will illustrate how adopting an agile mindset to cloud adoption can end this cycle and meet your business needs.
Speakers: David Cruley, Rodney Grilli, Caroline Humer, Ryan Jancaitis
Does this scenario sound familiar? You have taken on a project that can solve a core challenge that can provide measurable value to your business. It's an exciting opportunity to learn and grow, but that excitement quickly turns to anxiety as you are confronted with a list of unknowns and questions. Answering these questions, if they ever get solved completely, can be done in a myriad of ways. As new projects and challenges come along, the same questions and anxieties surface. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Analysis paralysis leads to projects getting forced on to legacy architectures, deliver results that are "good enough", or stop projects before they get started. This session will illustrate how adopting an agile mindset to cloud adoption can end this cycle and meet your business needs.
Speakers: David Cruley, Rodney Grilli, Caroline Humer, Ryan Jancaitis