How Science Is Unexpectedly Taking Us Closer to Faith | Spencer Klavan

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Spencer Klavan about the inspiration behind his book, "Light of the Mind, Light of the World: Illuminating Science Through Faith"; how the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the dangers of treating science as a quasi-religion; the historical relationship between science and religion, where early science was rooted in religious belief; how quantum physics points to a complex reality that includes consciousness and transcendent principles; the need to reintegrate faith and science for a more humane approach; the potential and risks of AI; the role of human consciousness in understanding reality; and much more.

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Understanding spirituality is difficult in today’s fast paced world. Does the world of theology still offer something to a more secular modern world? Are there lessons to learn from a more spiritual path that can help us make sense of issues like morality? Or is spirituality best left to the past according to some modern day atheists and skeptics? What does it even mean to be spiritual in an enlightened world? Hear from a wide variety of guests on the benefits, struggles, and problems with religion with this playlist:

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All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.


Spencer Klavan
Host, Young Heretics Show


Рекомендации по теме

Our 29 y/o son has been coding for a living for almost 10 years. When he was 24, he got baptized and became a Christian. Although we raised our 3 kids to believe in God, we never went to church and never read the Bible in the house. He did this all on his own. Since then, me, his mother and our other 2 kids got baptized and are now God-fearing Christians. I can tell you that before finding Jesus, we all were doing OK. Now, all of our lives are wonderful and blessed. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are beyond amazing. They are real. They are more alive than any living creature on earth!


I had a conflict of faith and science at one point in my youth. I have a biology degree. I am also a person of deep faith. I asked my zoology professor (who I knew was also a religious man) how he reconciled his faith with science. He brought me into his office, and pointed to all the science books on his shelf. He said “do you see all of these books on my shelf? They are the latest theories about biology, chemistry, and zoology. Come back in 10 years, and these books will all be full of different, current, scientific theories. Now let me show you something else.” He pulled his scriptures out of the desk and placed them on top. “In these books are the word of God, which will never change“


Interesting conversation. I was a philosophy major at one time. I studied all types of empirical thought, particularly existentialism. I learned that the greatest philosophical question of all time is why do I exist? Why the Why? What is my purpose? I think it's only natural to understand that our consciousness is a divine gift. The ability to think is not something that we have alone. It was given to us by our creator. An amazing gift we have.


If you cannot question the science, it is not science.


I would rather have questions that can't be answered than “answers” that can't be questioned.


Science is studying the physical universe that God made. They are completely compatible.


Awesome conversation! Side note: I could listen to a 3 hour lecture by this guy. He has a fantastic speaking voice!


Einstein outlined the 3 stages of religion: 1) Religion of Fear; 2) Religion of social and moral values; 3) Cosmic Religion. Cosmic religion is where I stand today. He also said, "Science without religion is blind and religion without science is lame." Ernest Holmes wrote the "Science of Mind" over 100 years ago. Our scientists today are starting to catch up. What a boring world this would be if we all thought alike. I really like being a non-conformist. Knowing that I AM the physical extension of God shields me from all the "hate" mail.


Science confirmed my belief in God and creation in which I had no doubts.


I voted early for Trump in Minnesota 🎉🎉


I never understood the idea that science and faith are at odds. Obviously, there are people on both sides that want to pit science against God and vice versa. But science simply explains the world that God has made and put in order.


Absolutely, we humans are special and unique and in the image of God and we also create science in a realm different from our unalienable realm of religious thought and morality! ❤


Science nerds tend to either be wholely unaware or intentionally forget that the inception of science as we know it was created to study and catalog the glory of God. It went from "Look at the intricacies of the world God created" to "this disproves the existence of God".


Love his dad! I will check him out. Love science and God


I love it. I've been telling people it's not possible we evolved. DNA is the greatest hard drive known to man, and each cell is its own computer. Communicating with each other. For evolution to be real. Each speck of data would have to be a random mutation. Not possible.


My own personal opinion is regardless of how far science advances is that there will always be a place for spirituality, it is an inherent need in so many people and maybe centuries in the future they could possibly merge.


If I ever write a best seller I want Spencer to do the audio book




Science is about what is. Faith is about what ought. Science is about facts. Faith is about values.


“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life (present), and shall not come into judgment (future), but has passed from death into life (past).” There are 66 books total. Please read John, Romans, 1 John, and Revelation. Use an accurate translation like the KJV, NKJV, or NASB. The only thing we have to do to be saved is believe in Him. He loves us immensely.
