10 Precise Video Game Mechanics That Made You Rage Quit

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Far Cry 2 could've been incredible.



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Days Gone bike took a minute to get used to but gave you a sense of achievement when you started to get real good at driving it, especially once you had it fully levelled up!


I loved the bike mechanics in Days Gone. Refueling wasn't as big of a deal as many critics seem to make it out to be


Days Gone IS a great game, and the bike is very fun to ride. It's a core and enjoyable mechanic in the game.


Weapon durability.

Now, I'm not saying it's a bad idea in theory, a weapon is going to degrade as it's used after all and should require maintenance and repair, HOWEVER, when a game turns a legendary weapon or even a solid steel crowbar into something that lasts like it's made out of wet cardboard it's a problem.


I truly don't understand all the hate Days Gone gets. I enjoyed the hell out of it. The bike wasn't that damned bad.


I hated the motorcycle in Days Gone at first, but it became a joy to handle after a few upgrades.

Days Gone actually ultimately became my second favourite open world game after Red Dead Redemption 2. I get why others disliked it, but it really ended up being a huge surprise for me.


The only part of the bike was annoying is the gas, but it is pretty easy to get it later on. Overall that bike was awesome and was probably my favorite part of the game


As a Motorcycle Rider, 'Days Gone' has one of the best "true" bike feeling and mechanics of the entire industry.

Not only the sound, the visuals and the effects are super good but also the controls, the animations and the details.
The suspension system you can really feel it when riding on a more rough terrain and also reliying on gravity to save Fuel or the Engine lifespan is a real thing that the game portrays super good in accuracy on how much the gravity helps while descending without using the Engine.

About the Gas tank, after 2 or More upgrade is enough to get you almost anywhere you need to go in the game wich you get them super early game.


I played days gone on the PS5 and i absolutely loved it.


Days gone is great. Critics are the only ones still pushing that narrative 😘. Gamers who have played it loved it 🙃


This list should be called "10 Game Mechanics That Made Nobody Rage Quit, But Where Out Of Ideas & Negativity Makes For Good Click Bait"


Didnt whatculture have a whole other entry elsewhere about Days Gone being an underrated masterpiece? 🤔


The holographic map was hard to read at times but ain’t nobody rage quitting over it


Days gone was amazing. One of the best games of the ps4 era


Days Gone bike is one of the best vehicles in non-racing games, any handling problems are user error, and gas always spawns in the same spots, so it’s exceedingly easy to stay gassed up.


The headache for me in Animal Crossing wasn't the talking. It was when you'd get drug off by one of your neighbors for some quality time at their house and you had to do little but stand there for 2-3 minutes before you could leave.


Days gone was badass what the hell are people smoking that they didn't enjoy it? The swarms of freakers were hands down the most fun I've had in gaming even though it was terrifying having them give chase. Just get you a machine gun and the bullets fly. Wish it would get a sequel


I want a days gone sequel so bad its a disgrace its not happening that game was so amazing and largely unappreciated and honestly one of my favorite playstation games


Dead Space remake: No way to place a waypoint on the map
BOTW: Weapon durability + rain + stamina bar
Dead Rising: Incompetent NPC AI
Resident Evil 7: Inventory management + Saving system lengthened the game too much to play in VR
FarCry 5: You had to win a specific type of multiplayer match that you can't pick yourself/is randomly selected, 10 times for a trophy
*Crackdown 2: It's the same world as Crackdown 1 with a zombie skin
*Killzone 2: Multiple unfair trophies (it's been over a decade since I played this, so I'm probably forgetting some):
- you had to collect things in levels, but you couldn't just collect them and quit the level, you had to finish the level
- you had to get 6 headshots in a row, in a game where EVERY SINGLE ENEMY wears a helmet that randomly blocks headshots
- there's a trophy for beating the game on "the hardest difficulty", and it'll tell you in percentage how close you are to beating the game. Beating it on an easy difficulty only goes to 50%, and the hard one goes the rest of the way to 100%. Now I have narcolepsy, so sacrificing sleep for me is big. The game told me I was close to 100% and I was on the final boss battle on hard. I figured I was so close, I'd stay up a bit and finish it off. After 3 hours of making absolutely no progress I took a break and went on GameFAQs. Turns out the game was lying to me the entire time, and there's an entire other harder difficulty to unlock.

* = so bad I sold the games back to EB, otherwise it's just why I stopped playing the game.

re: While there is presumably a reason why the AI doesn't adhere to fog of war like the player does
Almost every strategy game has cheating AI. It's simply too hard to make good AI that doesn't cheat
To the point where there is like a single strategy game where the AI doesn't cheat (I think it's Halo Wars) cause the dev based the AI off of real high-skill gamers' tactics

re: The motorcycle in Days Gone
What? FU. (that was literally what I said outloud to this part) I loved the bike. I loved that it was your lifeline. It was very unique. Even games where you had a horse or other vehicle didn't make you depend on it like Days Gone did.


I would like to point out that Fog of War is also in the Advance Wars series (which I'm pretty sure Wargroove is a homage to) and has been present since the first game, that said from what I understand they didn't truly balance things out until Days of Ruin where both you and the AI are truly in the dark.
I'm also not entirely sure if that still applies in the rather recently released Re-Boot Camp.
Edit: It does!
